Did You Miss Me?

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Arthur sat at his desk, contemplating what to write. He was an author who worked for a large editing company and worked to produce short comedy stories. He sighed, knowing that he already milked as much as he could from so many of the topics he usually wrote about. He needed... Something original. Something creative and fresh. He glanced over to his picture of his fiancé, Alfred. He hadn't seen him for years.

Alfred was a member of the United States Army, and had been deployed for a longer time than both he and Arthur originally thought. In about a month, he'd have been gone for three whole years. The weight of these years weighed down hard on Arthur. It seemed he had been gone for over a century, and the war that was raging on seemed to have no end. Arthur originally hated the idea of Alfred being in the army, as there was so much that could go wrong, but he would wait forever if it meant he could see Alfred again, so wait he did.

He began to daydream about Alfred, mind wandering farther than he wanted it to. He thought of everything that had happened between them before he left for deployment. Everything, from when they first met in middle school, to their first kiss in high school, to finally, when he was just nineteen, the final moments Arthur saw him before he was deployed. He thought of the good times and the bad. The times that he felt he wanted to strangle Alfred, all the way to the times he thought he was the best, most perfect person in the whole world. The innocent times, the passionate times, he thought until it seemed like every memory had passed, but they kept coming.

Eventually, he had to force himself out of his memories, otherwise he knew he would waste the night away completely. He resumed his thought process about what to write, when all of the sudden he felt something on his shoulder. He tensed up. Was he too involved in his thoughts that he didn't even realize that someone had gotten inside?! But he swore he locked the doors, and–

"Heya, Artie, you miss me?!"

All of the sudden he realized he knew that loud, chirpy voice.


Arthur almost shrieked as he turned and quickly wrapped his arms around Alfred's neck, breathing in Alfred's scent, feeling the soft, worn-down leather of his bomber jacket he always wore, his face buried in the crook of his neck.

"Of course I did..." he mumbled. "But... Why're you here?! I thought you weren't supposed to come home until the end of the war!" He said, looking up at Alfred.

"Well, I thought I would surprise you for your birthday!"

Oh, that's right. Arthur had completely forgot it was his birthday in less than a week. He hadn't really celebrated it when Alfred was gone, since he didn't talk to too many people other than him.

Arthur couldn't stop the huge smile from forming on his face. "Thank you..." he murmured softly.

"Anything for you, babe" Alfred said with one of his signature winks.

Arthur looked down, his cheeks dusting a light pink shade. He wasn't used to affection, being devoid of most human contact outside of his job for years.

Arthur hated to dampen the mood that was so wonderful already, but one question was gnawing at him. "When do you have to go back?..." he asked, a small frown dawning on his face, the light blush disappearing.

"Not for a long, long while," Alfred said with a smile. "I'm going to be doing some local training, and since the war is almost over, unless there's some bug emergency, I don't need to get deployed for a long time."

A large smile creeped up and spread across Arthur's face as he embraced Alfred. This was great news! He couldn't believe it! Alfred was here to stay for a long time!

"Now that I'm here," Alfred said with a smirk, "I have an idea of what we should do."

Oh god, did Arthur want to know?... Well, yeah. He did. And he was not let down.

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