The Bus Stop

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(Author's Note: Hey guys, I know I promised 3 chapters in my last update, but as I have a giant paper due Monday, I probably won't have time for more than one chapter this weekend. I promise I already have plans for the next chapters I promised, and will post at least one next weekend, as well as the other shortly after. Thanks for being patient. Once again, I can't thank you all enough for continuing to support this book despite me not updating for months. Also, I know this chapter is super crappy compared to some of the ones I posted before I went on my hiatus, but I'm a little rusty at the moment. I also was having a hard time thinking of ideas, as well as writing in general.)

I eagerly rush out of my house, slipping my backpack on my shoulders, after my mom kisses me goodbye before I head to school. Children slip out of their houses one by one, slowly congregating in front of my neighbor's house. I look around the numerous kids, searching for the boy who's been my best friend since preschool. Just then, I spot the boy's twin brother. I walk over to him as he steps down his last step onto the sidewalk.

"Hey Matthew, where's your brother?" I ask him.

"Oh, Alfred's running a little late. I think he might miss the bus," Matthew says, looking down the street a little nervously.

"Oh no," I murmured to myself. Alfred has been my best friend for 6 years, rendering us in third grade. He always was irresponsible like this, even at his young age.

Just as the bus rounded the corner and began to head down the street, Alfred came barreling out of his front door, pulling on his coat as he ran down his front steps. I smiled slightly, as I was excited to talk to Alfred on the bus, and didn't want him to get in trouble for being late to school again.

Just as the bus pulled up, he came up to me, huffing from running around.

"H-hey, Arthur," he said, panting slightly.

I rolled my eyes. "Why are you always so late all the time?" I ask.

"I always wake up too late! Mattie never remembers to wake me up anymore!"

Matthew turns around and replies, "You're in third grade now, you should know how to wake up to your alarm clock," just before getting on the bus.

"But Maaattie!" Alfred whined, just before getting on the bus, only for me to follow.


We got on the bus, and the whole ride we talked about long division, vocabulary words, and our upcoming quiz on Friday. Whenever I talked about such things with others, I was usually unamused. However, whenever I talked with Alfred, everything was so interesting. I could be talking about the most boring thing in the whole world, but Alfred would make it the most exciting thing. I just get this rush of happiness and excitement in my stomach whenever I'm around him. After all, that's what happens when you've been friends with someone for that long. At least I think. I'm not super sure, I haven't asked anyone else about it.


As the months progress, the excitement in my stomach turned to giddiness. I don't know what that is anymore. I asked some of my friends what it is, and they don't know either. It's like my stomach is trying to flutter away, like butterflies or something. I'm not really sure. Maybe my teacher would know. She knows everything.


I decided not to talk to my teacher, but to Alfred directly. After all, he is my best friend, and I tell him everything. He said he actually had been feeling the same thing for a few weeks too. It's a little weird, I don't actually know what it is, but something in me says it's a good thing. Maybe I'll just have to wait and see where it goes.

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