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Hey guys, it's Maddy, the author of this story. I just wanted to quick let you guys know about something that I'm planning on doing very, very soon.

Which is.... *awkward drumroll* ...a whole week of USUK oneshots!!

So since I'm going to be on spring break soon and don't have any other plans, I decided that doing a whole week of oneshots everyday would be something to fill my time! I also wanted to do it because the free time I've been getting recently is going to disappear, as soon marching band season starts (there's practice all through Spring and I have a load of parades in June) and another swim season will also begin (I go through a special team that goes by seasons, so I can do swimming all year if I would like, which I am doing). This will mean I won't get a ton of time to write, as I will be busy, so updates may be on Saturday. I apologize ahead of time for any delays for these reasons.

The dates for these oneshots will be Sunday the 26th to Saturday the 1st. I will also post my weekly chapter outside of these special ones, since these aren't replacing it, just extra. Most of these will just be normal chapters, but they will be labeled with 'USUK Week Day _' as well as the chapter title. I also have a few spring-ish ideas for some of the oneshots, so I hope you look forward to those.

Alright, thanks to everyone who read to the end! I hope you guys enjoy what's to come!

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