What To Do? (Part One)

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(Author's Note: I apologize if some of the cities or situations I write about aren't completely correct, as I've never been in some of the cities or situations, so I wouldn't know. I had some issues with cutting this off into one chapter, so the end is a bit rough, but I may turn this into a twoshot and update it next week when another normal chapter would come out. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!)

Today was the day Arthur was going to see him. Alfred. He couldn't wait to see him. They had been in a long-distance relationship for almost a year now, and since it was almost their anniversary, Arthur thought he would go to visit Alfred who lived in New York City. They had met through an exchange program Alfred had for one week in London, Arthur's hometown, where they immediately became friends and kept talking over texts and other social media. It wasn't until about a year ago, two years after they first met, when they started dating. Arthur was so excited on surprising him. Everything had to go according to plan, well, as long as he got to see, and touch, and talk to Alfred, he would be fine, but he wanted Alfred to be as happy as possible. After all, this was a surprise. Arthur finished packing his bags, zipping the suitcase shut and putting it by his closet door. He climbed into bed, trying to fall asleep so he wouldn't be tired and cause any issues with sleeping in before his flight, but because he was so anxious, he stayed awake for hours with thought of Alfred on his mind.

(Alfred's POV)

Alfred woke up suddenly to his alarm reading '6:30 am'. He immediately jolted out of bed, grabbed his glasses hastily and shoved them onto his face haphazardly. Today was the day he got to see his long time friend and boyfriend. Arthur. He was so elated to see him, not having seen him for almost ever since they met three years ago. Alfred had secretly planned to visit him for months, but since it was almost their anniversary, he planned on going to Arthur's hometown, and where they met, London. He couldn't wait to see him. By the time he was done getting ready, the clock read '7:00 am'. He rushed out the door and called a taxi. After putting his bag away, he waited, and waited, tapping his fingers on his legs anxiously. He rushed to the airport after paying, only to, once again, be met with his worst enemy. WAITING. He waited in line for tickets, he waited in line for putting his bag away, he waited and waited and waited. Until finally, the plane was boarding. Alfred was the first one to rush on, his carry-on bag bouncing on his back as he half skipped, half fast walked on. Now, the last part of waiting. Then he'd be in London. Where Arthur is. He just couldn't wait.


Alfred rushed into the small apartment building Arthur lived in, knocking on his apartment door. He knocked using the special door-knocker. And waited. And knocked again. And waited. He then went to the front office to ask if they knew where Arthur was. They said they didn't keep track of what their tenants did. He then knocked again and waited. Well, it ruined the surprise, but he knew he had to call Arthur...

(Arthur's POV)

Arthur was finally here, New York City. And so close to Alfred. He quickly made his way to Alfred's apartment after getting his belongings from the taxi he rode. He rang the doorbell near Alfred's front door. Then waited. Rang again. More waiting. He didn't quite know what to do. He waited for quite a while, wondering if he was out of his apartment for a while. After a little while longer, he decided he needed to call Alfred, even though it would give away that he was there. Suddenly, he got a call from someone. His Caller-ID said it was Alfred. He quickly picked it up. "Hello?" he asked briskly after answering.

"Hey, uh, random question but where are you now?"

"Oh you know, just out and about," Arthur said trying to not give away too much, "Why?"

"Well, I might as well just say it, I'm in London, at your apartment, I thought I'd surprise you but that didn't work out too well apparently," Alfred said, muttering the last part.

Arthur's jaw dropped open. "Y-you're in London?!"

"Yes, i-is there a problem with that? I can leave if you don't want to see me or this is a bad time or-"

"No, no, no, this can't be happening!"

"Uh, I'll take that as you don't want to see me... I can go back home if you like or just get a hotel somewhere..." Alfred said, confidence draining from his voice.

"No, no, it's fine, you're fine, it's just that I'm in New York..."



"Well, what to do now...?" Alfred wondered out loud.

Yes, that was now the problem at hand. What to do...?

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