Me Too (Suggested Oneshot/Part Two of The Bus Stop)

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(Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry it's been much longer between updates than I anticipated. I don't want to keep making excuses but I've been a little overwhelmed with homework and other responsibilities, but I'm hoping to get more free time soon. Regardless, this is a suggested follow up to a chapter previously written, titled The Bus Stop, which I recommend you read first if you haven't. Thanks to GlitchyPix for the suggestion!)

(Arthur's POV)

"Hi, Alfred," I mutter as my neighbor steps off the last step of his porch, lining up to get on the bus.

"Hiya, Artie," the boy replies, all too chipper.

"I don't understand how you are always so energized in the morning," I say groggily.

"Well it's because I look forward to seeing you," Alfred jokes, elbowing my arm playfully.

Blushing lightly, I pretend to have just not understood. How does he say that so plainly?

Just then, the bus pull around the corner in its familiar way, and we board the bus as usual. It's been two years since I started feeling strange around Alfred, but I only just realized what is the matter.

With my advanced knowledge from middle school, I finally narrowed down that I had a crush on Alfred, but I just couldn't come to terms with it. How could I have a crush on my best friend?

(Alfred's POV)

I glance across the bus seat to Arthur, half asleep on his backpack. I sigh quietly, looking away. I focus on the scenery blurring past out the window to try to distract me from the unwanted feelings I have for the boy sitting next to me. How could I let myself do this? He's my friend!

Soon I find myself gently nudging Arthur, trying to fully wake him before we get in the school parking lot. Arthur's eyes flutter open, and there's a moment before he realizes where he is, that he looks so happy and peaceful. I can't help but smile, but it's short lived. I can't keep pretending like this is okay. We're just friends.

(Timeskip + Narrator POV)

Shenanigans of back and forth crushing, hiding, and pretending continue for months. By this point, both parties are certain they both are feeling the same inner turmoil, but are too stubborn to admit it. The obviousness is even so clear that others have started to notice.

Arthur looks sadly into his bathroom mirror, soon after Alfred left from their study session. He couldn't keep hiding this. The minute he thought the feelings were going away, they would come back twice as hard. And he knew Alfred was having similar problems too. But he couldn't bring himself to actually say it aloud. He couldn't possibly risk ruining his friendship, the only one that actually mattered to him. There was too much at stake. But he knew he couldn't hold out much longer.

The next day, Alfred invited Arthur over to talk. This was the perfect opportunity. 'It was now or never,' Arthur thought.

After a short while of regular conversation, Alfred got very quiet. This was it.

"I just want to say something-"
"Um, I've been meaning to talk to you about-"

The two interjected at the same time. After a few moments of debating who to go first, it was decided Alfred was first to talk.

"So... I don't want anything to be weird between us after this, but... I'm just going to say this. I think I have a crush on you," Alfred said, his voice getting smaller as the sentence progressed, becoming a mere squeak.

While this wasn't a surprise to Arthur, he was shocked that he told him. He didn't know what to say.

With a bright smile, he got up and embraced Alfred. "Me too," he said, everything finally feeling right.

Hugging back, tears welling in his eyes, Alfred couldn't contain his happiness. "You don't hate me for saying that?"

"Of course not, you idiot," Arthur laughed.

"I'm so glad," Alfred smiled, feeling so relieved.

"Me too."

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