Another Drink

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(Author's Note: Hi guys! I didn't even realize that I've been on Wattpad for a whole year now! I just want to say thank you all for being so supportive over my first year, and I honestly can't thank you guys enough for helping me get so far! When I first joined Wattpad as a reader, I never thought I'd be at this point in just a year. Anyways, I'm not going to turn this into a super long thank you and take up the whole chapter, so I'll leave this at that, but thank you so, so much!! Also, this chapter is a bit short, but I hope you enjoy regardless!)

Alfred stared emotionlessly at his plain wall. His floor was littered with beer bottles, used tissues, and various other types of garbage. He coughed harshly, dropping his newly emptied bottle on the floor after he took one last long, careless swig. Standing up with shaking legs, almost falling over, he stumbled over to the kitchen. Almost tripping over the garbage and some stray clothes on the floor. As he opened the refrigerator door to get another beer, he stopped abruptly when he saw a picture on the magnetic freezer door. In the picture was a man who couldn't have been older than 25. He had large, bushy eyebrows with messy blonde hair. Alfred was next to him, an arm hanging around the shorter man's neck, with a large smile on his face.

Alfred's eyes started welling with tears. Memories of that day rushed into his mind. Images of a car, a run red light, the man from before, and the look of shock on his face as he froze in place. Flashbacks of the scene played in his mind, watching the horror of what happened.

As quickly as the memories came, they disappeared. He woke up from his flashback, he found himself clutching his head tightly, tears dripping down onto the floor. He stood up, letting go of his head, and hastily wiping away his tears. Reaching into the fridge, he grabbed another, and returned to his position on the couch, while he drank beer and stared at nothing, emotionless.

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