Burnt Cookies (USUK Week Day 1)

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(Author's Note: Just a quick FYI, this takes place a few days before Easter. Also, this is the first oneshot in my USUK Week, so I hope you enjoy!)

Alfred was slowly awakened by a delicious, sweet scent that he couldn't identify. He crawled out of bed slowly, stretching along the way. Alfred haphazardly shoved his glasses on and ruffled his hair to get it out of his face. He grumbled to himself as stumbled out of the bedroom he and his husband share.

As he was walking out of the bedroom, the delicious scent started to grow foul and burnt. And then the fire alarm went off. Then a shriek from his husband, Arthur could be heard. Alfred rushed out, grabbing the fire extinguisher that he had in just about every room close to the kitchen. You'd be surprised how often something like this happened.

After the whole ordeal was over, and the fire department was assured everything was all right, Alfred sighed to himself.

"Arthur," he said, voice having a slightly stern undertone.

"Look, I'm not going to apologize, love. I wanted to surprise you with fresh-baked sugar cookies and we could get to frost them for Easter and everything, but apparently that was too much to ask..." Arthur said, defensive at first, but as he spoke, he slowly was reduced to mumbling at the end.

Alfred chuckled.

"Really? That was worth burning the house down for?"

"I know I'm not good at cooking, but come on, they we're prepackaged and I followed the instructions and ugh, why does baking have to be so bloody frustrating?" Arthur asked rhetorically.

"I think that's in the eye of the beholder," Alfred joked, nudging Arthur teasingly.

"Whatever..." Arthur muttered, "This is what I get for trying to surprise you."

Alfred opened the fridge, seeing that there was some more cookie dough left.

"I have an idea."

"What?" Arthur asked, looking a bit self conscious.

"I'll bake the cookies that are left, then we frost at the end."

"But this was supposed to be a surprise for you, not... Whatever this turned out to be..."

"Well it was a surprise waking up to a fire. Somewhat," Alfred said with a wink.

Arthur just muttered to himself, but seemed to agree.

So after Alfred baked the remaining cookie dough, and got the different colored frostings ready, it was time to decorate.

Arthur smiled slightly as he was still able to decorate the sugar cookies with Alfred, just differently than he thought it would play out.

'Oh well,' Arthur thought as Alfred had a huge smile on his face, 'as long as Alfred was happy.'

Hopefully, no other incidents would happen over the course of decorating, but with Arthur, you never know. But it wouldn't matter to Alfred either way, as long as he was with the love of his life he would be happy.

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