The Wedding

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(Author's Note: I don't know why I never thought of the idea to write about something like this, but nevertheless, here it is. Also, reading this over, the descriptions of things are a little weird, so I apologize for that.)

Arthur shifted around nervously in his suit as he made the final adjustments to his hair. His father walked into the room, also wearing a suit.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

Today was the day he was to be united with his significant other and best friend, as they were getting married. From the day they started dating Arthur knew that they didn't need to be labeled as anything together, because they would love each other the same either way.

He nodded slightly to his father, taking a shaky breath in.

"I'm so proud of you," his father told him. "You know, there was something about Alfred when you introduced him to us that made me think this day wouldn't be too far away.

"Dad!" Arthur protested.

"What? That's a good thing, Arthur."

Arthur shook his head slightly. "I'm just anxious about this," he said.

"I know, and you should be. But you should know that you have nothing to worry about."

Arthur nodded.

"Well, I think it's almost time for the wedding ceremony to be starting, are you ready?" His dad asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Arthur told him.

So then they walked out of the dressing area, and went the short distance to the area the wedding was being held. It wasn't anything special, just family and close friends, but it felt more special that way. They also weren't doing a traditional wedding in anyway. They just had someone to legally bind them together, but they walked out together, just after they got to the area from their separate places. They'd then exchange vows and such and then the marriage officiant would recite the classic line, and it would be completed.

Arthur walked with his father who then left him to go a different route so he could get to the ceremony ahead of him. He walked all alone thoughts racing through his head.

Then he saw the man he loves more than anyone else. Alfred.

"You look great," Alfred said, smiling genuinely with affection.

"Thanks. You do too," I said, immediately loosening up, nerves disappearing.

Alfred then grabbed Arthur's smaller hand and asked a single question. "Are you ready?"

Arthur nodded.

He then opened the door in time with the other man, taking his first step in. Everyone inside gasped slightly, and as they walked down the makeshift aisle together, Alfred squeezed his hand. As they got up to the platform, they stepped up, and the marriage officiant started the short speech she had. The two both then talked about each other and some fond memories before they exchanged their vows. By the end, Alfred's mother was crying, and others in the audience looked like they had to try to conceal some 'Aww' noises.

The officiant then said the classic lines. "Do you, Arthur Kirkland, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Arthur took a shaky breath. "I do," he said, looking into Alfred's eyes.

"And do you, Alfred F. Jones, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"You sure bet I do," Alfred said with a wink, which gained a few chuckles from the family and friends.

"With the power vested in me, I now announce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom."

More chuckles.

But Alfred and Arthur didn't care. Almost as if no one was there, as if they were the only people in the world, and when they kissed, it was just like the first time, but yet better. This time, instead of rushed and passionate, it was soft, kind, and loving.

'This was what love was like,' Arthur decided. And he couldn't have been happier to share it with anyone else in the world.

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