Arthur's Performance

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(Author's Note: Ok, I basically know next to nothing about piano recital-like things, and all this that I described is based off of Your Lie in April and some help from Google for the song I mentioned, so if any piano players realize it is really incorrect, then I apologize.)

Alfred was sitting in the third row back towards the middle of the row at his best friend and crush's national piano championship. He had managed to make it to nationals, and due to horrible timing with his football games, Alfred had never been able to make it to any of Arthur's other performances. Of course he had heard him play before, but he never knew he could make it to nationals. Not that he was doubting his friend, but making it so far in the competition is insane.

"Number seven, Aurthur Kirkland, playing Eine Kleine Nachtmusik," the announcer's voice echoed through the speakers.

Alfred had never heard of the song, and as he didn't particularly like classical music, he had a hard time staying awake until this point. However, as soon as he heard Arthur's name, he jolted upright, suddenly anxious to hear him perform.

Arthur emerged from backstage as the previous performer exited, wearing a formal black suit with an emerald green tie to match his eyes that always seemed to blaze with passion when he played. He walked stiffly to the piano in the center of the stage, and began to fix the seat to his height liking. Even from the audience, Alfred could see Arthur's hands were shaking heavily and it looked almost as if he had trouble breathing. Soon, he relaxed into the chair, and still stiff, played his first note. Alfred gasped slightly before Arthur continued playing and completely relaxed, being consumed by the music.

Alfred was astonished. Though every note he played was played at a very fast rate, every sound seemed to resonate perfectly in the room and made it sound like the piano was singing. How could something as simple as a piano be so beautiful? The precision and elegant way Arthur was playing made it even better. Words couldn't describe how perfect it was to Alfred.

Alfred suddenly realized that he was crying, his eyes wet and a single salty stream of tears was flowing down the right side of his face. He tried to stop himself but he couldn't, it was so amazing. How could everyone in this room not cry? Alfred never cried, and yet this... This performance managed to make him do so.


Arthur didn't end up making it to the final round of the nationals, but Alfred couldn't be happier.

As Arthur walked out after the performances, after he was changed into his regular clothes, Alfred ran over to him and embraced him tightly.

"That. Was. Amazing, Artie!!"

"Oh bloody hell, let go of me," Arthur muttered.

Well, he let him go, but he wasn't going to let Arthur live that amazing performance down. Arthur knew by that reaction Alfred had loved the song, though he didn't know why. He thought he hated classical music. Strange...

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