The Two Panels

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(Author's Note: I'm sorry that, once again, I didn't post last week. All of last weekend I was busy with marching band practice, family stuff, and a sleepover at my friend's house, so my weekend was packed, along with the truckload of homework I had. Either way, I hope you enjoy this chapter {despite me using the words 'blog' and 'blogger' way too much when I go back and read it}!)

Arthur sat at his computer, pen and paper with scribbled notes close at hand. He wasn't sure of what to write about. Scanning his notes, he contemplated what to do. He was currently running an online blog that didn't really have a specific topic, which was great when he wanted to talk about current issues, certain subtopics, or anything really, but was horrendous when he couldn't decide on what to write about that week. Flipping through the notebook, he went from page to page of ideas, many of them with additional writing with them. Arthur sighed to himself.

'What am I going to do?' He frantically thought. He needed to get something, anything up so that his readers wouldn't get upset or disappointed.

"You know what? I'll just write about writer's block!" He said out loud, light bulbs going off in his head.


Arthur drove up to a large parking lot. He grabbed his mostly empty backpack and large reusable bag filled with various things for a presentation, and quickly made his way to the door of the large building. He was so excited, because he was at one of the largest conventions in the whole world for online blogging. He was so lucky he lived so close, as his London apartment was only a little ways away. He was so excited to do everything; meet other bloggers, get things like published books from people who started as bloggers, attend panels and different shows, and even run his own. He was lucky enough to get his own panel, as his blog exploded in popularity, competing with many people who were doing them since they were teenagers, though he has only been running his for about a year and a half. The thing he was most excited about, however, was meeting his favorite blogger of all time. He first found him only a month after he started, and to this day, almost a year later, he is still incredibly personal with his readers, despite being a lot more popular than when Arthur first found him. Part of him wants to believe he's still personal with him is because he's been there's since the very beginning, but he doubts that. He wouldn't keep in touch with him just because of that, and probably was just friendly with all his readers, right?

(Timeskip after Arthur's panel)

After his panel crowd slowly filed out, he began to take down some of his presentation, and put it in the large reusable bag he brought them in. As he was packing up, he was approached by a man who was sitting in the front row during his panel.

"U-uh, hello, my name's Alfred, and I'm sorry if I'm getting in your way, but I want to tell you that I absolutely love your blog!" The man stuttered out, seemingly really nervous.

Arthur turned around to face the taller man. "Thanks! I'm glad you like it! I'm so lucky that people like your are able to enjoy my blog!" He said, looking up at the other man.

"I've loved your blog for a long time, almost since you first started posting, and you inspired me to make my own blog! I even have my own panel later today, and I couldn't have done it without you inspiring me! I just want to thank you for doing what you do, and I'll get out of your way!"

"Well I couldn't be in this spot without people like you either, so thanks as well! When and where's your panel? I'd love to come-" Arthur started to say, but the man had kept to his promise of leaving him alone, and had dashed away by the time he could start asking his question. Arthur sighed as he went back to packing up to allow the next person to set up. "Guess if I find him again I can ask," he murmured to himself.

After taking down his panel, he quickly rushed to the other side of the floor he was on. Frantically checking his watch while half running, half avoiding people, he only had a few minutes to get to the panel of his absolute favorite blogger. As it was about to start, he sprinted into a seat in the back, and took a few seconds to calm himself. That was when he looked up to see the person he looked up to so much, to realize it was the man from his panel. The one who came up to him and told him he was the reason he started blogging. Arthur was shocked. How could this be? But it could be. Among the many other things the man from before talked about, he talked about how he was inspired by him. Among the many other things he was fascinated by, that was the one thing he couldn't get over. As soon as the panel was over, Arthur rushed over to the man who he knew online and now real life as Alfred. Alfred looked almost as shocked as Arthur.

"You came?!" Alfred asked, eyes wide.

"Yeah, um, I have something to tell you," Arthur said, trying to explain the whole situation.

After he explained why he was his favorite blogger, and how it was ironic that he was the other's favorite as well, the two debated what to do.

Eventually, they decided to keep in touch, and if they ever were in need of judgment from another blogger, they'd be able to talk to each other, and maybe they'd even have casual conversation together. What they didn't know was that they'd begin to talk a lot more than they suspected, and become closer than the two would like to admit.

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