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Naomi groaned, there was a throbbing pain going on inside her head and it didn't feel very pleasant. Trying to ignore the aching headache, she slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes.

A slight feeling of panic went through her when she remembered what happened and her hands immediately went towards her sword which was, fortunately, still in its holder. She sighed in relief, at least she still had that.

She looked at her surroundings and sighed in defeat. It was extremely foolish of her to try and trick the Dark One. Even when she, fairly, succeeded. It wasn't her fault that he forgot to look on the back of the contract.

Another feeling of defeat washed over her when she realized that she wasted her only chance at finding her father, even though she hated the man with all her heart. She just wanted the know, one thing. She just wanted to know why he did it.

Naomi decided to push away all the sappy feelings and got up from the ground, which was surprisingly the sand of a large beach. When she finally was standing on her feet again, she looked around and started crossing off all the realms.

She wasn't in Wonderland, far to less mushrooms.

The Enchanted Forest couldn't be it either, because that's where she came from.

She once heard about this land without magic, which sounded horrible to her because when using her magic, she felt like she was really connected with her mother. Who, unfortunately, died in labor.

Naomi tried forming a ball of fire in her hand and easily succeeded. So she wasn't in that strange, horrible land. However, when she figured out where she was, she wished that she was in that land.

"Neverland," She sighed in defeat. Naomi looked around and groaned in defeat when her surroundings indeed did look like the island. "Never thought I'd be here again."

Naomi had been to Neverland before, when she was a little girl. But she couldn't see much of the island because her father forbid her to set foot on it. She did hear the story's about it, though.

The only thing she could do now, is hope that what her father told her was actually true. At last, he's finally of use.

'Okay,' She thought. 'Stay clear of the Dreamshade, do not go near the Mermaid Lagoon, and do not ever, under any circumstances try to pick a fight with the so called ruler of Neverland.'

Naomi chuckled to herself, not picking a fight with the ruler of Neverland. Yeah, like that was going to happen. She wasn't known for her patience, or great temper. No, on the contrary.

She grabbed the small, black, hair tie that was around her wrist and put her hair up in a high pony tail before she started walking into the darker parts of the jungle, fully knowing that Pan's camp was on the other side of the jungle.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now