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"What are you doi-" Peter started but suddenly felt light headed, he felt the ground under him slipping away and managed to hold onto the doorpost.

"Peter." Naomi said worriedly when she noticed that he almost collapsed. She walked over to him and wrapped one of his arms around her shoulder, groaning when she felt him leaning onto her a little too much.

She stumbled towards the bed and sighed in relief when she felt Peter's body weight leaving her shoulder. She frowned and sat down on the bed as well, "What happened?"

Peter chuckled sarcastically before saying, "Careful, love. I might think you actually care."

Naomi rolled her eyes and slapped him softly. "Well, maybe I do." She said and placed the covers over him. "Now, what's wrong?"

She wasn't one to take care of people, but there was one exception when it came to that. Naomi was brought up on a ship, which meant that she would get sick an awful lot of times. But her father always took care of her when she felt horrible, he'd always cheer her up.

And that was something that stuck with her, she remembered the feeling she got when her father told her all of his adventures. He would stop being the Captain for a couple of days and just be her father.

He would always cheer her up when she felt horrible, and she strongly believed that everybody deserved somebody like that. If it was under any other circumstances she wouldn't be this nice to Peter, or to anyone.

Peter looked at her in surprise, he didn't expect her to worry for him or anything like that. He actually thought that she despised him. He looked at her face and frowned when she saw the look in her eyes, she was actually concerned.

"Well, in case you haven't noticed yet, I don't feel so-" Peter started but he wasn't given the chance to complete his sentence because of a heavy coughing fit that made its way to the surface. He sat up straight in the bed.

Naomi noticed and softly patted his back, she was never like this. She would never treat a person with so much care, purely because she didn't know how to. She was just doing what her father did to her when she was sick.

Peter felt exhausted, his throat felt raw because of all the coughing and his stomach felt horrible. He groaned and laid down in the bed again, he didn't know that he could get sick. In all his time on Neverland it had never happened before.

Naomi could see that he was getting tired, she sighed and removed the covers from his body before she started fidgeting with the edges of his shirt, Peter quickly moved back and said, "What are you doing?"

She rolled her eyes and response while saying, "You are obviously tired, you need to go to sleep. I was just trying to help you out, surely sleeping in that isn't comfortable."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now