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She could not give her best, no matter how badly she wanted to. Naomi ducked and placed her sword on Peter's while she dodged his attacks. She wanted to beat him, show him how well she could fight, but that would be unwise.

She could not show him her weakness nor could she show him her strengths. Because even if she wanted to or not-which she definitely did-she was going to fight her way off the Island, literally.

And if she showed him how she fights, that would be a disadvantage. So, instead she decided to go into defense, she blocked all of his attacks, ducked so she wouldn't be hit and stepped aside so that he would stumble forward.

Because that way, she would be able to decipher him. She could observe every inch of him, how he fights, how he attacks. So that when the time comes, she would be able to win from him. Granting her freedom.

"I thought that sword fighting was your thing," Peter said, Naomi scowled at the cockiness in his voice as she managed to dodge another one of his attacks, she noticed that was one of the attacks he'd do a lot and made a mental note about it. "You're a good defense, that's something I need to admit."

Naomi ignored all of his remarks and focused on the way he fought, she didn't even think about blocking him anymore, it just happened. After years and years of experience it started to feel natural which was great because now she could just sit back and observe.

They went at it for a while, earning themselves a large group of Lost Boys who were watching them in anticipation. The boys would often laugh about some snarky remark that was made by Peter, all but one.

Alex frowned as he looked at the fight, he had bonded with the girl when they were locked in the cages. She told him that she used to fight with swords a lot, and that she could beat somebody easily if she played her cards right.

So seeing her playing the defense card was weird, because it sounded like she was a very big fan of attacking herself. He also noticed that she didn't seem tired at all, which she probably wasn't.

Her eyes were narrowed as she blocked all of Peter's attempts to attack her and she frowned as she looked at his physical position.

Naomi licked her lips when she felt that she had observed enough as Peter said, "Oh, come on. I thought you were exceptionally good at this." She didn't appreciate the sarcasm.

She gave him a fake innocent smile before ducking once, breathing out as she saw Peter's sword going over her and placed her feet behind his. She pulled her leg back, making him fall to the ground and throwing the sword in the air.

He would've expected it if she did it any other time, but he was being to cocky for his own good. He thought that he had won this fight, which was far from true.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now