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"We have to tell Pan," Was Felix' attempt at breaking the silence.

"No!" Alex and Naomi say immediately.

The brunette steps towards him, "Isn't it obvious? The shadow doesn't want him to know." She says.

"Why else would he put it in Ancient Greek," Alex adds, standing next to Naomi with his arms crossed over his chest.

Naomi nodded, "And why else would he stop bringing boys, he wanted Peter gone so that I could find this."

Felix was tongue-tied. His friends had a point, and if the shadow didn't want Peter to know then telling him would be a very unwise decision.

"Well, we can't keep this from him," The blonde argued, knowing how angry his green eyed friend would be if he finds out that they are hiding something from him.

"We are not keeping this from him, we're just withholding information until further inquiry," Naomi says, rolling her eyes wen she saw the confused looks of the boys. "He won't ask, we won't tell."

"Oh," The two boys said in unison.

"Yeah, what she says." Alex agrees, pointing towards Naomi with his thumb. "I mean, technically we aren't hiding anything."

"So, we tell it if he asks about it?" Felix asks, still feeling a little unsure about this whole thing.

"No," Naomi says at the same time Alex says, "Probably not."

"So we are hiding something?" The blonde asked, confused.

"No-well, yes." The brown haired girl says, sighing after it. She didn't exactly wanted to hide something from Peter. "But we can't tell. If the shadow wanted him to know, he wouldn't have gone through so much trouble to prevent it."

A silence fell upon them, none of them knew what to say at the moment. They didn't know what kind of game they were participating in. Was it dangerous? Was it easy? Perhaps both, but nothing was sure.

Which means that they have to think twice about planning their next move, but-to Naomi and Alex-one thing was sure, they can not tell Peter about this. It was obvious that the shadow forbade that.

"Come on, Felix." Alex says, placing a hand on the blonde's shoulder. He looks at him with a pleading look, "Just keep this a secret from him, just this once."

Naomi steps forward, nodding as she shows him the compass, "We can tell him if it really gets out of hand. We aren't sure what we're dealing with here, and we would just be waisting his time with this if it all turns out to be a silly game."

Felix sighed and looked away from his friends, his eyes locking on the clear water of the waterfall. The sound was relaxing him as he still felt Alex' hand on his shoulder.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now