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Naomi Jones was woken up by somebody who was choking her, figuratively of course. The brunette frowns and tries to look what was going on when she remembered the previous events of the day.

Back when she stopped the Hourglass, and Peter went unconscious she used to have nightmares about that for weeks, they would all be different but they would always end in the same way; Peter dies and she was alone again.

"Peter," She whispers, trying to wake the sleeping boy who was holding onto her for dear life. She leans back and tries to escape his hold but it doesn't work. "Peter!"

He shakes his head, probably in his sleep and grabs the back of her head before hiding her face in his chest again. "No, don't-" he mumbles.

Naomi frowns, worried for the boy as he seemed far worse than she had been. Of course, she actually died for a few seconds while as he was only unconscious. "Hey, Romeo. I'm alright, wake up." She says loudly, her voice sounding quite clear. "Peter!"

He doesn't respond which makes her a little more concerned, she struggles to free her arms from his grasp and her left one stays stuck, but her right was now able to move. She places a hand on his shoulder and shakes him lightly, slowly increasing the harshness until he wakes up.

"Wake up, it's okay. I'm fine, you're okay. Nothing is wrong." She assures him, smiling sympathetically when he opened his eyes with a panicked look in his eyes. "Hey, calm down. I'm fine, see? Alive and well."

"Naomi," He whispers in shock and relief, his breathing still rabid while he quickly hugs the girl to make sure that she was actually here. "Naomi, y-you're okay. You didn't drown."

"I didn't," she says, nodding softly while placing hand on his cheek. His eyes close for a few seconds while he leans towards her hand. "I'm okay, so are you and the boys."

Peter nods, slowly calming down again when he suddenly realised that something was missing. His eyes open again and he looks at her hand, "W-Where's your ring?" He mutters.

The brunette chuckles and smiles softly, "You can't wear a ring to sleep, Peter." She tells him.

"N-No, no where is it?" The green eyed boy says, looking at her in panic. "You don't get it in my nightmare you, you weren't wearing it and yo-"

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Naomi assures him, she nods and he slowly nods back before she turns around to reach for her ring that was laying on her nightstand. "See?" She says, slipping the ring on her finger. "I still have it."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now