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"Is it true?" Naomi hears somebody say from behind her. She ignored the person and simply threw another pebble onto the water. She heard a sigh and then the person sat down next to her. "Is your last name Jones?"

Naomi ignored Peter's questions, just shrugging her shoulders before grabbing another pebble and throwing it onto the cold and reflecting water of the ocean.

She was feeling a lot of different emotions. Anger, pointed towards Baelfire who exposed her like that in front of Peter and her two best friends. Panic, because she had no idea how she was going to explain this without telling too much.

And, at last, defeat. She has been running from her past, she wasn't ready to tell Peter or anyone else for that matter about her past. Yet now, thanks to the boy, she had to.

"Naomi," Peter said, his voice sounding a little louder than previously. "Is it true? Is your la-"

"Yes," Naomi cut him off with a whisper, a slight crack in her voice as she kept staring at the ocean in front of her. "Yes, it's true. I-I'm a Jones."

To Peter these words sounded so simple, 'I'm a Jones' what's so special about that? But to her, it was one of the hardest things to say, to admit.

Naomi had been trying to hide the fact ever since her father left her. She didn't want to have the last name, the name she was once proud to have now felt like a curse to her.

But everywhere she goes, she can't seem to hide the truth; her name is Naomi Jones, always has been and probably always will be.

"I should've figured it out," Peter mumbled angrily, he was angry at himself and even a little at Naomi for not telling him. "Father was a pirate, a Captain at that. You had been here before and were friends with Tinker Bell while we all know that the fairy isn't a people person."

There was a slight pause, Naomi was still quiet while Peter released a defeated sigh, "I should've figured it out!" He says, voice rising slightly.

"No you shouldn't have." Naomi said bluntly, putting her thumb and index finger against her lips as she still refused to meet his eyes. "I'm not sure I could've handled it."

Peter frowned at her, "Handled what?" He asks.

"You, finding out." She mumbled again, still gazing at the sea.

It felt like someone or something was suffocating her, the moment Baelfire had screamed her full name it felt like she was being drowned. Drowned in everything she had been trying to hide, her past.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now