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So, I'm back, and this time with the answers to your questions. I wanted to thank you all for sending them, and I had a lot of joy answering them! Anyways, here are the answers;


"What is one annoying thing Peter does that drives you crazy?"
One thing? Oh, god. Uh, well I don't like it when he looks at me with those puppy eyes-it's so adorable and you just can't say no to him then. But then you have that annoying yet attractive smirk of him, or his crazy obsession with games-it's just. I don't know, there are a lot of things about him that are annoying and drive me crazy but I can't help but love him.

"Do you ever want kids?"
No, I wouldn't be a good mother anyway. I don't know how a mother acts or what I'm supposed to do. I guess mothership just isn't laid out for me.

"Do you think you're falling in love with Pan? Could you love him?"
Maybe, most definitely, yes. I love him, which is something that I've been trying to hide but-according to Alex-it's totally obvious.

"What's one of your favorite things about Pan?" I really like how competitive he gets when he plays a game, sometimes he gets really frustrated and it just looks so adorable-don't tell him I said that, though. He'll never shut up about it.

"What's one thing you miss most about your dad?"
I really want to say that I don't miss a thing
about him, but that'd be a lie. I guess, I kinda miss how he used to tell me his stories about the many adventures he had done or how he would put everything aside to take care of me whenever I got sick. But it's okay, I don't need him anymore. I got Peter and the boys now.

"Do you think that you could ever find a way to forgive your dad, despite how long it takes you?" That depends, if he was really willing to fight for it, then maybe. I wouldn't be the one to go up to him, he would be the first one to enact a conversation. The only thing that I do know is that it will take a very long time.

"Would you kill for Pan? Could you kill an innocent person if it meant that he was safe?" Yes. I swear if they even touch one hair on his head I'll kill them. And, to me, it'a very easy; the person you love or a complete stranger. You can't tell me that you won't do the same.

"Do you think you'd ever betray Pan?"
No. At least, I don't think so. I don't really see a reason as to why I should betray him.


"Have you and Naomi done the dirty yet?" You bet we did. I'm not going into too much detail right now but I can tell you that it was a night to remember. . .

"Why do you like the color green so much?" I don't. Well, I didn't, I started wearing a lot of green because that was a good colour to camouflage myself, guess it just stuck with me.

"What's the best thing about Naomi?"
Only one thing? Uh, well, I like how she gets so excited about strawberry's it's really adorable or how she bites her lip right before kissing me-which is actually really hot and, oh, I absolutely love how she takes the lead from time to time, that's a real turn on and-right I'll stop now.

"Could you survive without her?"
Why would you ask me such a thing? I don't even want to think about that right now, I mean, I guess I could. I've done it before but there probably always will be a hole in my heart where she was before.

"What's it like to be with her? What's your greatest fear?" What's it like to be with her? Huh, one word; exciting. Interpret that as you wish.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now