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"James," Naomi says again, a small, relieved smile tugging at the ends of her lips. The brown haired girl ignored the weird looks she was getting and lunged at the pirate.

She wrapped her small arms around his large figure, hiding her face in his chest while she waited for a hug back.

"N-Naomi," The black haired man stutters, not believing that he has finally found her. His posture was still rigid but he manages to slowly wrap his arms around her, too. "Naomi, oh god! You-You're alive!"

Naomi chuckles, her face still in his chest as she inhales his soothing scent, on she missed over the years. "Yeah, I am." She says, you could hear the smile in her voice.

James pulls back, his hands still on her shoulders to make sure that she was real. "You-but-how?" He stammers, still shocked as he starts turning her around. "Little one, what happened to you? You're not little anymore!"

She laughs, a genuine laugh while nodding. "Sorry to disappoint you," She jokes.

"Oh, you could never disappoint me. Not even if you tried." The pirate mumbles, relief and shock still in his system as he pulls her in for another hug, one hand placed on the back of her head like he was afraid that she would disappear.

Peter's eyes narrowed at the scene in front of him, he didn't like it. Normally, Naomi would look at him like that, he would be the reason that she smiles and he would be the reason that sparkle of joy appeared in her eyes. Seeing that somebody else does the same thing wasn't having a good effect on him.

He walked towards the two, knowing that all the eyes of the Lost Boys were on him, but he ignored them. The green eyed boy walked past Alex and reached out to grab Naomi's waist. Once he got ahold of it, he pulled her back towards him, hugging her from behind.

"She's mine," He growled possessively, earning a eye-roll from her.

Naomi sighed, knowing that she would have to really injure him if she wanted to get out of his hold and that was something she absolutely didn't want to. "Peter, we talked about this. Remember?" She says calmly.

"Hm." The green eyed boy mumbled, hiding his face in the crook of her neck, glaring at a shocked James.

"And what did I say?" The brunette asks, a small, teasing smirk across her lips.

"That he's like a brother to you," Peter answers, finally lifting his head. His eyes were still narrowed towards the pirate.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now