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"You're lying," Emma says through gritted teeth, looking between Naomi and the Hourglass. The brunette smirks and crosses her arms over her chest, raising an eyebrow. "You're lying!"

"Am I?" Naomi taunts, biting her bottom lip to stop herself from smirking. She shakes her head, looking down at the ground before looking back at Emma. "Why, did you seriously think that it would be this easy?"

Regina sighs, shaking her head as she looks at the ground. She knew, it possibly couldn't be this easy. "I knew it," she mumbles. "I knew that it wouldn't be this easy."

Killian looks at Peter who was smirking proudly, he looked at the small brunette in admiration as he crosses his arms over his chest. "What?" Killian hisses at him, getting a fake shocked look in response. "Didn't you know about this?"

"I didn't, no." the green eyed boy responds, still smirking as he walked over to Naomi. He lazily wraps an arm over her shoulders. "I do admit, that this was very amusing to watch."

She smiles up at him before looking back at Emma with a glare. "You won't get away from here, ever. Even if you do manage to get the sand - which you won't - you will never leave this island without your precious father, right?"

"What are you talking about?" the blonde hisses, looking at Naomi in anger. She was really trying to hold herself back right now, she may be Killian's daughter but she was getting on her nerves - one thing that made it worse was knowing that that was exactly what the brown haired girl wanted.

Killian steps forward, trying to hold David back who almost came charging towards Naomi and Peter. "My daughter, remember?" He says, trying to keep his anger at bay like Emma.

The brunette smirks, tilting her head to the side. They had them exactly where they wanted and it felt amazing, they were under full control, they had covered all the pieces of the board.

"Charming..." Mary Margaret mumbles, looking at her husband in confusion and slight panic. She frowns, looking between the little Jones and him. "what is she talking about?"

"Yeah, 'Charming'," Peter adds, leaning more onto Naomi's shoulder just to spite Killian, knowing that the pirate hates it when he gets close to his daughter. He looks at David and Mary Margaret, "what is she talking about?"

David looks up at the couple, "How do you even know about that?"

"Because I ordered one of my boys to do it," the boy in green answers, "and when I tell them to do something, they will do it."

"God help them if they don't." Naomi mutters under her breath, shaking her head while looking at the ground. She could hear Peter clear his throat and she looks up, smiling innocently, "Love you."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now