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"Hey, at least they hung the cages next to each other?"

Naomi glared at Alex as he attempted to make a joke, and if it weren't for the wood that was separating them, she would've slapped him in the face.

"Oh, come on." Said the dark haired boy as he pressed his face between the wood, Naomi doing the same so that they could have a face to face conversation. "It's just for tonight."

"Let's climb this tree, he said. It will be fun, he said." Naomi scoffed as she rolled her eyes at him.

Alex raised an eyebrow and smirked at her knowingly, saying, "I know that you liked it," Naomi bit her lip to prevent a smile. "His face was worth a million."

"Correction, Peter's face was worth a million. He was too knocked out to react," She said seriously before they both started laughing as they remembered what happened today.


"Where are we going?" Naomi asked as she looked at the path ahead of her. He dragged her towards a high tree and pointed towards the sky. "Highest tree in Neverland, besides Pan's 'Thinking Tree' but no one is allowed to come there."

"Okay?" Naomi asked and looked at the tree in front of her. "What are we going to do with it?"

"Easy," Alex said as he released the grasp on her arm again, he grabbed one of the thickest branches and started climbing, he looked down at Naomi and said, "We climb it."

Naomi scoffed, saying, "Why?"

"Come on, it'll be fun. The view op there is amazing." Alex said and started climbing further up the tree, only once stopping to scream down, "You coming?"

"I-ah, screw it." Naomi mumbled as she started climbing the tree as well. She went higher and higher, trying not to get a splinter and frowned in surprise when she met Alex halfway. He was sitting on a large wooden platform. "What's this?"

"You like it?" He asked and motioned for her to sit next to him. "Took me ages to build it, the height difference and all."

Naomi stepped on the platform and crossed her arms over her chest, "Why are we here?" She asked. Alex smirked and pointed at the ground, they weren't that high up so she could still see Peter's group of boys that were hunting.

"I bet you that you can't hit Hunter." Alex said as he handed her a small stone and pointed at a redheaded boy.

"That's why we came here?" She asked and grabbed the stone. "To throw rocks at the Boys, and maybe even hurt them?" Naomi looked at the stone before saying sarcastically, "Isn't that a bit mean?"

Alex shrugged, saying, "It's not mean if it's hilarious."

"Fair enough," She mumbled and tossed the stone around in her hands. "But I don't know about this."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now