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Days at the camp: 4

"I didn't take you for the reading type." Said Peter as he walked inside his tree house, seeing Naomi sitting on the chair in the corner while reading one of the books Peter had on his shelves.

Naomi refused to meet his eye and kept looking down at the book, reading page after page.

She was feeling irritated, Peter didn't let her leave his sight at all yesterday so they didn't do too much. And in all honesty, she was extremely bored.

"Oh, come on. Don't be like that, love." Naomi scoffed and rolled her eyes, still not looking at him.

This has been going on for the past twenty four hours, ever since she started the game at the waterfall he hasn't stopped teasing her, she obviously didn't want to lose so played along as well.

But she would be lying if she said that it didn't bother her, it was kind of getting on her nerves.

She didn't talk with him about what happend that night nor did he, they just forgot about it and decided not to speak about it again.

Peter smirked when he saw her reaction and walked closer to her, sitting down on the railing of the chair. "Now, let me say that again." He started and looked at the book she was reading. "I didn't take you for the reading type."

Naomi, desperate to get rid of his whining, sighed and said, "I'm not." She closed the book and stood up from the chair before placing it back in the bookshelf. "But a friend of mine was, she always told me that if you're bored, reading is the best way to kill the time."

"You're bored?" Peter asked and stood up from the chair, he thought he had done a reasonable job at keeping the girl entertained. Well, if you think of training as entertainment that is.

Naomi pursed her lips and nodded as she skipped her fingers over the different kinds of books, her hand froze above one of the books when she saw a small engraving on its back. The word 'Jones' was written on it.

She took a deep breath and went to grab the book but Peter-who noticed which book she was going to pick-quickly stepped in and took her wrist away from the shelf. Naomi frowned and looked at Peter with an unreadable expression.

She wanted to know why he had a book with 'Jones' written on the back, she wanted to know why he had a book with a random last name on the back. She wanted to know why he had a book with her last name on the back.

What if it was her family history? Then maybe she'd find things about her mother, answers to all the questions she ever asked herself. She didn't care what he was going to say, she will get that book.

Peter coughed to cover up the fiasco and released her wrist, "Well, then. If you're so bored. What do you suggest?"

"Are the Boys awake?" She asked him and went to look out of the window, frowning when she saw that they were all packing their stuff to hunt. "They're going hunting? Why are we staying here?"

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now