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Naomi finally found what she had been longing for, yet she could not keep it.

She wanted to sigh in content when she felt her lips against his, but she couldn't. She wanted to give in, like he did. Peter had relaxed and his grip on Naomi had loosened. She knew that if she wanted to save Tinker Bell, she had to do it. She had to do it now.

She grasped around on the ground, trying to find her sword that she had dropped in the process while she kept moving her lips against his. She heard the cheers and hollers of the Lost Boys and then she finally managed to grab her sword.

And with one swift movement, she pulled back and flipped them both so that she was on top of him now. Gasps were heard when she pressed the sword against his throat and whispered, "I won." Her voice sounded broken, yet strong.

Peter's eyes widened and more betrayal was seen on the boy's face. He tried getting out of her grip but it was of no use, she had him tied. "You cheated." He said in shock, trying to mask the betrayal he felt, the hurt.

"My father's a pirate, it's in my blood." Naomi answered softly, she desperately wanted to break down. She felt horrible and guilty, yet she could not help but feel a bit victorious. She had won the fight after all, but at what costs?

There was a dead silence, none of the boys dared to say something as they looked at the two people. Naomi was still sitting on top of him, her sword still pressed against his throat as she swallowed down the lump in her throat. She was looking into his eyes for too long and started feeling even more bad.

She sighed and shook her head before slowly standing up, sheathing her sword in the process. She looked at Peter as he slowly got up from the ground as well, wiping off the dust and blood on his arm.

He didn't know how to feel. Part of him felt sad, he had thought that she might care for him as he did for her, but that was all a trick. She had played him like a fool, another part of him felt angry. She had embarrassed him in front of his boys, she walked over him like he was nothing. He could not have them doing the same.

But then there was the smallest part of him, that felt proud or impressed. She had a unique mind, where you were one step ahead she was two. Where you thought you had won, she has already beaten you. That was something he had discovered today.

She was indeed two steps ahead of him, she must have known that he would use his magic. Little did he know that she had magic as well, the first round was a lot harder for him than that small fight they had at training. She attacked more, better and faster.

"At the training, when we had that sword fight." Peter said, his eyes were glued to the ground. He did not want to face her nor did he want to face the boys. He looked up at his tree house before gazing into the distance, "You were holding back, why?"

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now