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"Okay, truth or dare?"

Naomi snorts and laughs as she looks at Alex, "Really?" She raises an eyebrow.

The boy shrugs and looks at the view underneath them, "Just pick one." He tells her.

"Fine, fine." The brunette sighs, fiddling with her sleeves as she pulls her legs up to her chest, looking around the large wooden platform. "Truth, I guess."

"Okay," Alex hums and thinks about a fun question to ask her. He looks down at the woods before turning to her. "Pan was your first kiss, yes or no?"

"Wha-" Naomi starts, she was about to ask why he asked such question but withheld herself from doing so. "Fine, yes."

"I knew it," Alex cheers, mentally praising himself. "So when you had that fight with him thirty years ago-"

"Let's just say that I put everything on the table to get Tink off of the Island." She finishes for him, sighing and hiding her face in embarrassment.

"About Pan..." Alex starts, Naomi groans and throws her head back against the trunk of the tree, knowing what was about to come. "Did he, you know, get you back for what you did yesterday?"

"Are you seriously asking me that right now?" Naomi mutters awkwardly, slightly laughing. Alex nods vigorously. "Fine, if you must know, he didn't. Which is quite strange, we just went to sleep last night."

"Shouldn't that worry you at the least?" Alex questions, giving her a doubtful look.

"Maybe..." The brunette sighs, she takes a deep breath and looks at Alex again, "truth or dare?"

He waits a few seconds before a grin takes over his face, "Dare."

"Oh, you have no idea what you just did." She smirks, her fingers tapping against the hardcover of her 'book'. "I dare you to kiss Felix on the cheek the next time you see him."

"No." Alex says immediately, shaking his head vigorously. "No way, you can't expect me to do that."

"Why not?" Naomi asks, smiling mischievously. "You've liked him for thirty years. I'm merely giving you a push in the right direction."

"No, you are giving me a push towards my death." The dark haired boy replies sarcastically. Naomi gives him a look and he sighs, "Fine. I'll do it, now truth or da-"

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now