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Days at the camp: 1

"Wake up," Peter said cheerfully as he walked into the hut he gave Naomi. "It's time for you to meet the Lost Boys."

It took forever for the two to find their way back to the camp, considering that they were both bickering along the way and nightfall was already there. So, when they finally managed to arrive at it, most of the Lost Boys were already asleep.

"Thanks," She grumbled and wrapped the cozy blanket tighter around herself as she turned around in the bed, now facing the wall. "But no thanks. Try again tomorrow, or never."

She was surprised about the comfort of the bed, hell she was surprised that she even got a bed. She honestly thought that he would put her in the cages or something, seems like it was a smart idea to make that deal after all.

"Come on, wake up. Let's go for a walk around the camp." Peter said again and walked closer to the bed, eventually sitting down on it. "I'll introduce you to some boys, show you around Neverland, although I'm sure you've seen a lot of it already."

"Hmm," Naomi groaned and hid herself under the covers, Peter sighed aggravated and pinched the bridge of his nose before making the blankets disappear. "What the hell?"

"Come on, we're going for a walk." He said, leaving no room for any arguments, but Naomi somehow always knows a way to make room for them.

"You know what? You're right. Let's go for a hike, preferably to a large hill where I can push you off of it." She said sarcastically. She was not a morning person, never has been and never will be.

"See? That's the spirit," He said and tauntingly petted her head before standing up and looking at her seriously, "I'm serious. There are clothes on the table. Get ready, I'll wait outside. "

Naomi just sighed before finally making her way out of the bed.


"What is this?" Naomi asked as she stepped outside and looked at the sky. It was dark, obviously it wasn't morning yet.

"Ah, there you are. I was wondering when you'd show up." Peter said and walked towards Naomi, she was irritated by him. Not just because he woke her up so early but she knew that something was going on with him, he was being too nice.

She narrowed her eyes at him and made a mental note to keep an eye on him as she pointed at the sky and said, "This. Is not morning. Why am I awake? I'm not supposed to be awake until noon."

Peter rolled his eyes and grabbed a torch that the Lost Boys connected to a tree, they hang it up there so if somebody went outside that they'd be able to see where they were walking.

With the torch in his hand, Peter pointed towards the East. "Over there is the Beach, but I'm sure that you've had plenty of time to cover that area." He said and Naomi gave him a sarcastic smile, still being a bit cranky because of her early wake up call.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now