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Naomi Jones dragged her sword over the soft soil of the beach. The other Lost Boys were still at the Lagoon, probably still swimming while she walked away. She felt bad for Alex, she could see that he really cared about the blonde boy. Alex had walked away shortly after, saying that he wanted some time for himself.

She understands that, she needs time for herself, too, once a while. She was just about to walk back to the camp when she suddenly heard scuffling in the bushes. She frowned and grabbed her sword tightly, holding it up into the air.

Her feet stepped forwards and she got closer and closer to the source of the sound. She could hear a very low voice, it had a threatening edge to it while the other voice was very high-pitched and panicked.

Naomi took up her pace and started jogging towards the sound, she cut a few leaves aside, her curiosity getting the best of her. She stepped into a large clearing, seeing one of the Lost Boys hovering above somebody.

The boy, whom she could recognise as Mike, was holding somebody against the tree and was kissing down the persons neck, the person didn't seem to like it because it was constantly struggling.

"No, please, stop!" The person yelled, and only now did Naomi recognise it as Wendy's.

Her eyes widened and she immediately started walking towards the boy, she strongly disliked Wendy but no one deserves to go through such trauma's and it absolutely disgusted her that a Lost Boy would do something like that.

She thought that, even though Peter usually doesn't care about other people, he would've at least told everybody to leave the blonde haired girl alone. "Hey!" Naomi yelled, immediately getting Mike's attention because he suddenly froze and his posture became rigid. "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?"

The brunette didn't get an answer and slowly took a step forward, Mike had disconnected himself from Wendy's neck and was still holding her against the tree-he was too frozen, too startled to move.

Naomi looked at Wendy and for the first time since the girl had been here, she felt bad for her. Tears were dreaming down her cheeks and her eyes were red and puffy. The small girl was shaking and it looked like she could fall apart any second now.

"I said; what the bloody hell do you think you're doing!" Naomi repeated herself, already yelling before she could stop it. Her voice sounded so harsh, so sharp as it cut through the air like a knife. She grabbed Mike's shoulder and pulled him off of Wendy.

She turned to look at him and saw that his eyes widened at the sight of her, Naomi glared at him and kicked him in the stomach, making him fall to the ground. The red headed Lost Boy groaned and clutched his stomach before receiving another hit on his arm, then another one on his leg and another on in his crotch.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now