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"Captain, you have to give them the boy. They've killed for less." Mr. Smee said as he worriedly looked between Killian and the Lost Boys that were coming towards them in a small boat. "The sooner we give them what they want, the sooner they leave us alone."

Killian ignored him as he simply looked at his crewman he shook his head no and said, "No. I can't part with him now, not when I know that he's The Dark One's son." He looked away from Mr. Smee and started walking.

"Can't be chance that brought him here, providence must be at work." He continued as he walked on board of his ship. He turned around and pointed at the crewman, adding, "He is the key to my revenge. I won't lose him." His voice raising ever so lightly at the end.

Both of their heads snapped towards the sound they heard, Felix had jumped onto the ship and was looking at Killian and Mr. Smee with an emotionless expression. A few more boys followed, including Devin and Justin who stood behind the blonde boy.

"Do you know who we are?" Felix eventually called out, his voice still having no emotion in it.

Killian nodded and made a gesture with his hand before saying, "You're the lost ones, you work for him."

Felix nodded curtly at him and started looking around while saying, "We're looking for a boy who has seen adrift nearby." He stopped talking for a second and looked back at the Captain. "A boy he has a particular interest in."

The Captain smirked uninterested as he started his facade, "Then I'm afraid I have to send you away disappointed." He pointed at his crew and added, "As you can see, we're only men here."

Felix smirked smugly as he looked up at the black haired pirate again, Killian didn't know it but they had him exactly where they wanted. "Then you won't mind if we search you ship." Felix said, that smirk still on his face.

Killian, who was mentally cursing, just gestured to his ship and said, "Be my guest."

Only three of the Lost Boys went inside to search for the boy, Felix, Devin and Justin. The blonde haired boy threw the door open, not knowing what he should expect but he was clearly met by a wave of confusion when he saw the room he had stepped into.

"Not this room." Killian told him sternly, his teeth gritted together as he looked around the small room.

Felix didn't listen but he did raise his hand, signaling for Justin and Devin to stay put. He walked towards the small bed that was located in the right corner, frowning when he saw all the children's necessities.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now