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"Are we supposed to do something?"

"I don't know," Naomi answers, crossing her arms over her chest while she and Alex keep looking at the mermaids and Henry. "I don't really care about him, though."

Alex narrows his eyes, looking at Henry who barely escaped the mermaids grasp. "Yeah, me neither."

They stand there for a few seconds, looking at how the boy was getting grabbed by the mermaids, he screamed the occasional help but neither of them moved - that was until Emma and her crew came storming onto the beach.

"Henry!" Regina and Emma yell, looking at him in a panic.

"What the hell?" Naomi curses, immediately earning their attention. "How did you get out of those cages? The cuffs prevent you from using magic."

"Exactly," Mary Margaret says smugly, looking at her daughter in pride. "That's why Emma used magic instead."

"So, you have magic now, huh, Swan?" The brunette says tauntingly.

Emma nods and looks at the sea again, panicking when Henry wasn't there. "Henry? Henry!" She looks at Naomi. "Please do something, you know how to fight those mermaids!"

"Why should I do something? I don't even care about that boy - I barely know his name." Naomi remarks, looking away from the heroes and at the sea. She bites her lip, hating the guilty feeling that was coming over her when she saw the boy almost drowning, "Oh, god, I hate it when my conscience speaks up."

Naomi sighs and quickly runs towards the drowning boy, ignoring the protests of Tinker Bell, Alex, Killian and Belle. She grabs a dagger from her boot while running, knowing that her sword would be way too difficult to fight with when under water.

She dives into the water, and immediately stabs the first mermaid in the tail - instantly killing her, considering that mermaids die when you stab them in their tail. Her eyes widen when the other two mermaids saw her and she quickly goes up to catch some air before going down again.

"Help!" Henry yells under the water, something she could vaguely understand. A few bubbles went up to the surface and Naomi shook her head no, signaling that he was wasting air by screaming.

The brunette starts attacking the other mermaid, growling when the fishlike creature cut her side. She swims towards the mermaid and stabs it in her stomach, making her fall over - as much as you can when under water. The mermaid seems distracted for a few seconds and Naomi took this as her chance and quickly stabs her in the tail.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now