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Naomi kept shaking her head no as she looked at Tinker Bell with a pleading look, "Isn't there another way?" She asked her.

The said woman shook her head no and looked at the ground, "I'm afraid not." Tinker Bell answered in a whisper.

Naomi released a shaky breath and sat down on the chair in the corner, tangling her fingers into her hair as she kept sneaking glances at Peter's sleeping form.

He was getting paler by the minute, and more plants were dying. The Lost Boys must have noticed it already, no doubt about it.

Peter Pan was dying, and she had the choice to save him or not.

She didn't know what to do, her past was something she left behind. Something she had hidden, never to be found again. And now she had to risk it all again, all the pain and sadness for a boy she didn't even knew that well.

But even if she didn't want to save Peter, he was still the only way off the Island. She knew that she had to do it, she had to save him.

If not for her, then for the Lost Boys, for Alex, for Felix and even for Tinker Bell. The ex-fairy had been stuck here far too long, and the boys needed someone to lead them.

It may be too late for her to have a happy life, a happy ending but it's not too late for them. Tinker Bell can go back to the Enchanted Forest, find love and maybe have a few children. The Lost Boys can continue their lives here on the Island, with Peter to lead them.

She was too scarred for that, too broken. Her trust issues were too much, and she hasn't cared for somebody in a long time. She was a survivor, surviving is what she does. It was too late for her, but not for them.

"How do I do it?" Naomi croaked out and untangled her fingers from her hair as she looked at Tinker Bell.

"Y-You're going to do it? No, I'm not letting you!" Tinker Bell protested but she stopped when she saw the look in Naomi's eyes, she sighed and added, "There is no stopping you, not anymore. You've already made your choice, haven't you?"

Naomi sighed and stood up, walking closer to Peter. She sighed and said, "I have to save him. If not for me, then for you. I promised myself that I'd get you out of here, and I am not breaking that promise."

Tinker Bell looked at Naomi in sympathy as she walked closer to her, "I have to save him. For the Lost Boys, for Alex, for Felix." Naomi continued and let out a shaky breath. "He may not be the best person, but a lot of people are counting on him, I can't let them down."

She had told the Lost Boys that Peter was getting better, that he would be back out there with them in no time. She has told a lot of lies that eventually stabbed her in the back, but this was not going to be one of them.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now