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"Him," Naomi says, pointing at a nicely drawn picture of Henry Mills. "If we want to win this, we'll need to get ahold of him." She looks at Peter who was standing behind her, she was seated at the desk. "Somehow everybody seems to care about him, he's their weak spot."

"Mhm?" He hums in a questioning matter. He grabs the paper off of the desk and looks at it, vaguely remembering things from last night. "I believe you've found something, love."

"I believe I do," The brunette mumbles under her breath, she stands up and looks at Peter again, smiling softly as she did so. She quickly gives him a peck on the cheek before walking outside-still standing on the small balcony in front of the treehouse. "Alex!" She yells, earning the attention of the Lost Boy.

He was the only boy that was still up, the others had already gone off to bed. Alex looks up at Naomi, "Yeah?"

"Did Felix already go to sleep?" She asks, feeling Peter walk up behind her.

Alex frowns and looks around, shaking his head no when he saw the slight candle inside Felix' tent. "No, why?" The dark haired boy responds.

"Good, can you go get him?" Naomi questions, which is one of the larger differences between her and Peter. He commands the boys while she asks them to do things. She smirks a little, "It's time to make our first move."

Alex smirks back, knowing what she was talking about, and nods before standing up from the log. He walks into the tent, carelessly, "Hey, Felix. Naomi told me to-oh," He starts but stopped himself quickly.

"What's wrong?" The blonde haired boy asks, walking to his dresser to grab a shirt.

Alex' mouth is slightly agape, "Uh, sorry, I didn't know that you were-" He coughs. "-indecent."

"What are you talking about?" Felix laughs, looking down at his chest before facing Alex again. "We've seen each other without a shirt before."

"Right, sorry." Alex gulps.

'Oh, come on. It has been thirty years, Alex. Get over it,' He curses to himself in his mind. 'But look at him-no. No, don't look at him-bad Alex, bad.'

"Anyways," Felix says, grabbing a shirt from one of the drawers. "What are you here for? You said something about Naomi."

'Bummer,' Alex thought again when the blonde put the shirt on. 'No-bad Alex.'

"Uh, right." The dark haired boy says, clearing his throat. "Naomi and Pan want us to go with them, something about their first move."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now