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"Your sea legs aren't bad for a landlubber." Killian complimented Baelfire as the young boy walked towards him with a small smile.

The said boy smiled as he took place next to the Captain, "Yeah, but I still get queasy." He said truthfully.

"Oh, it'll pass." Killian assured him as he moved the rudder two notches to starboard. He kept looking ahead as he added, "Just think of yourself as an extension of the ship." He then looked back at Baelfire and asked, "Do you care to try a hand at the helm?"

"I know nothing of sailing." The young boy said hesitantly.

"Neither did she but she turned out to be extraordinary good at it," Killian mumbled under his breath before looking back at Baelfire, using his hook to pull him towards him as he said, "Once you get your bearings, it's easy as pie."

Baelfire chuckled as he hesitantly grabbed the rudder with both of his hands, looking back up at Killian when he heard him sigh, the sigh sounded disappointed almost even sad.

The brown haired boy frowned and looked at what was in front of him, a small P and S were engraved into the ship but there was a large cross drawn through them.

"Have you taught somebody to sail before?" He asked carefully, showing genuine interest as he looked back at Killian.

The Captain looked at the ground while sighing before answering, "Aye, that I have." He said sadly.

"If you don't mind me asking-who was it?" Baelfire asked, just as carefully as before. He realized that this was a very touchy topic for the pirate.

"Believe it or not, but I had a daughter once." Killian said as he looked up again, staring into the space while the wind blew through his hair.

"You do?" Baelfire asked in shock, he suddenly found himself being very curious about the so called daughter and added, "What does she look like?"

Killian looked down again and sighed.

"I-I'm sorry if I crossed the line." Baelfire apologized immediately.

The pirate shook his head no, he had grown to care for the young boy in front of him and it was no secret that they were getting closer. So, maybe if he would tell him about Naomi, Baelfire would tell him about his father-although he already knew that.

"It's alright." He said and cleared his throat before grabbing a small paper out of his front pocket and showing it to Baelfire. "That's her," Killian added and pointed at the eleven year old looking girl. "That's Naomi."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now