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5 days.

That's how long Naomi has been able to hide herself from the infamous Peter Pan, it was a real achievement if you asked her. Peter, however, wasn't that happy with the fact.

He refused to return to the camp, not wanting to tell the boys that he still hasn't found her. They'd laugh at him, tease him to no end. He even felt slightly embarrassed thinking about it. Peter Pan never fails, and yet now he does. He is failing to find a girl that was no older than himself. At least, by appearance.

He knew that he'd find her eventually, but he couldn't be away from the camp for more than a week. He knew that, but he didn't want to return to his Lost Boys, at least not without the girl. He told them that he'd find her, so he would.

Peter was sitting on a large rock that was placed on the beach, twirling his dagger between his fingers. This was something he would do very often when he was bored, or when he needed to take his mind of things. At first, he'd slice his fingers open once or twice, but eventually he got the hang of it.

It took a while before the Squid Ink ran out, Naomi used an extremely large amount which made Peter paralyzed for a much bigger amount of time. He wanted to punish himself for being so stupid, but there was no time for that. The only thing he thought about right now, was finding the daredevil.

He got up from his seating position and stood on the rock, looking at his surroundings. Peter sighed in defeat when he didn't see anything and jumped down from the rock, landing in the cold, salty, water of the sea.

Just as he was about to make his way back into the jungle again, avoiding the Pixie Hollow, knowing that the fairies-or rather fairy-would never allow a stranger to walk her ground. He heard a noise, and immediately turned around. He hoped that it would be the girl, but he was disappointed when he came face to face with his second-in-command.

"Felix?" Peter coughed and placed his dagger back onto his belt. Felix didn't say anything and slowly made his way towards him, the hood of his cloak was still on.

"The boys are getting worried-well, they're getting curious," He said and immediately corrected himself when he said that they were getting worried. They knew better than anybody that Peter could handle himself. "Why haven't you found her yet?"

"I have found her," Peter defended himself. He released a deep sigh and looked Felix in the eye, he was debating with himself. Should he tell Felix or not? He made another try to explain himself but Felix was ahead of him.

"Then where is she?" Felix said, his voice sounding to commanding according to Peter, who raised an eyebrow at him. He was challenging him to speak to him that way again, Felix noticed and said, "Look, sorry but you're not really setting a good example here."

"Relax, Felix." Peter chuckled and placed a hand on his shoulder. He didn't want to tell Felix about the Squid Ink or about the way she knew so much about him and the Island. So he decided to do something else, lie. At least, until he had found her. "Do you really think that I haven't found her yet? I just wanted to give her some time, to think that I don't know where she is."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now