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"I'm afraid I come bearing bad news,"

Emma Swan's ears perked up by hearing Dr. Whale's words. She stopped fidgeting with the edges of her sleeves, something she did when she was nervous, her eyes were red and puffy from a previous crying fit.

"What?" She says, she sniffs and clears her throat. Her voice sounding a lot stronger as she adds, "What's wrong with him, will he be okay?"

The blonde haired woman has never been so panicked in her life, she, Mary Margaret and David had taken Henry to the playground when the little boy suddenly collapsed, they immediately took him to the only hospital in Storybrooke.

Dr. Whale sighs, a genuinely concerned look on his face, he adjusted some of the papers in his hands before looking up at Emma. "I-I'm not sure," He finally says.

"What do yo-" Emma started but she was interrupted by her mother, Snow White, who came running into the hospital, dragging her Prince Charming with her.

"Emma! Emma!" The black haired woman says, sounding just as panicked as her daughter. "How is Henry? Is he okay? What happened to him?"

"Snow, calm down. Let her talk," David says softly, seeing that Emma was seriously struggling. "What did you hear, Emma?" He adds with a small smile.

"Right," Dr. Whale says, coughing obnoxiously to remind them that he's still here. "Like I told Miss. Swan, I'm afraid that the little news I have, is not good."

"What-What do you mean?" Emma asks, her eyebrows furrowing when she saw Regina sitting next to Henry's bed, tears streaming down her face while she sobbed into the boy's shoulder. "What's wrong with him?"

"I-" Dr. Whale sighs, knowing how attached all the people in Storybrooke are to the little boy. "We found a small tumour in one of his lungs. We have to start treatment immediately and even if we do, there is a large chance that-that he won't survive."

"-that he won't survive." Emma was speechless as she looked at Regina and the sleeping Henry. She could hear the sobs of her mother next to her and she could hear her father shushing his wife while fighting his own tears. She felt numb, no tears fell, no muscle on her face moved. She was completely frozen.

Henry was one of the only good things in her life, she regretted ever leaving him and now he might leave her. Emma Swan was completely and utterly numb as she stood up from the hospital chair, she ignored the calls of her parents and Dr. Whale while she pushed the glass door open.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now