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"Okay, now it's just being rude." Alex scoffed, feeling pretty irritated about the shadows new move. "I mean, we were finally having some fun and then it does something like this?"

Naomi hummed, agreeing with Alex, she sighed, "Look, we need to find that last phrase because if Peter realises what's going on-and he will-everything will be for nothing." She said.

"Wait, he won't be able to read it, right?" Felix guessed hopefully. "The phrases, they were written in Ancient Greek."

"Unless the shadow changed it," Alex muttered in realisation, his fingers against his lips as he thought. He looked back at Naomi, "We need to find that phrase, now."

"But how are we going to do that?" Naomi asks, throwing her hands up in the air to show her clear despair. "We don't have the compass anymore and witho-"

"We don't need it," Alex cut her off, trying to talk a bit louder because the other boys were still dancing and hollering around the fire. He shot them an irritated glance and looked back at Naomi. "Look, you have found all of these phrases without the compass-all of them except one. You can do it without the compass, N."

Felix nodded, "He's right. You're very clever, just think about something, anything. What's a special place on the Island, like the waterfall or what's a special place for you, like where you found the card or a special place for Pan where we found the other phrase. Think about these things."

Naomi nodded and started thinking back to where she first found the phrase; at the waterfall. The second phrase was found at the Meeting Tree of her and Alex, the third one was given to her by Baelfire. The fourth one was written on Peter's thinking three and the last one was written in the book.

She frowned, trying to find a connection between the two and just as she was about to connect the dots, a voice pulled her out of her thoughts. "Felix!" Peter yelled. "I'm going to do something, you're in charge until I get back."

Naomi's eyes widened when he saw what he was going to do, he opened the compass and started following it to the South; towards the waterfall. "Oh, god." She mumbled.

"Yeah, you could say that." Alex added, still frowning while thinking.

Naomi sighed, what had all these places in common? She kept thinking, and then, suddenly she had it.

"They're all meeting places," She mumbled in realisation. "The waterfall is where Peter and I had our first proper conversation. The Meeting Tree is where Alex and I bonded, I properly met Baelfire at the cages and that Thinking Tree is where Peter met the shadow for the first time." She paused, frowning. "The only one that doesn't connect is the book, it's a long shot but perhaps it works?"

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now