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"Wait, where are you going?" Emma Swan calls out, quickly walking after Naomi who was already walking back to the camp.

She frowns and turns around, "I'm going back to the camp, obviously."

"That's it?" Emma exclaims, running a little bit to catch up with the brunette. She sighs and grabs her wrist, "Naomi, please, you have to help me."

"I don't have to do anything," she says, grabbing her wrist back from Emma's hold. "and even if I wanted to help you, I can't. I don't trust any of you people."

"You trust Pan, right?" The blonde questions, putting her hands in her back pockets.

Naomi laughs, looking at her in disbelief. "You really think that he'll heal Henry?" She asks, shaking her head. "You'd have better luck with the mermaids. And they tried to kill him." She looks at Emma again, "There's nothing I can do, Swan. It's best you leave."

Emma sighs, throwing a hand through her blonde locks as she looks at the retreating figure of Killian's daughter.

"Killian," she whispers under her breath, eyes widening. "that's it."

The Saviour quickly walks away from the beach, so fast that it almost looked like she was running. She runs back into their camp, trying to catch her breath while she looks around, trying to find Regina or Mr. Gold.

"Gold," she calls out, searching for the man. "Regina, I know how to save Henry."

"How?" The black haired woman asks, immediately sitting up from the rock she was sitting on. It was already pretty late and the others were asleep.

Emma looks at her, "We'll need three things. Hook and, magic and rope."

"Look, Emma, whatever kind of fantasy you're into, I don't care. I just need to sa-"

"It's not about that!" Emma cuts her off, yelling slightly. She sighs, looking at the others who remained asleep. "I talked to Naomi. She told me that she is only able to hand the sand over to somebody she trusts."

"Easy, give it to Michelle or Belle and get it over with," Regina says, shrugging. "what are we waiting for?"

"That's the thing," Emma says, smiling hopefully. "she trusted them before she stopped that Hourglass or whatever. We need her to trust somebody after she did that."

"Hook." Regina mumbles in realisation, she looks at the sleeping pirate and smirks. Her eyes avert back to Emma. "Okay, so I get that part but why do we need the rope."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now