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15 Facts About Our Favourite Villain

⋆ 15 Facts About Our Favourite Villain ⋆

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1. » Peter has never regretted leaving Rumple behind, it freed him from his past and gave him the chance to make a new start.

2. » The green eyed boy had never been kissed before, until Naomi came along and quite literally stole his first kiss.

3. » Peter was very envious of Naomi's close relationship with Alex until he discovered that the boy was gay.

4. » He knows that he has anger issues but doesn't like to talk about them.

5. » Unlike what most people think, he never favoured Felix over Alex. He liked them equally.

6. » Peter didn't have an opinion about Wendy, he found her annoying but it was amusing to him to see Naomi jealous.

7. » He never feared about one of the other boys stealing Naomi away from him, considering that they were way too scared to even think something like that.

8. » It annoys him greatly when the brown haired girl tries to squish his cheeks.

9. » But sometimes he lets her do it anyway because he loves her and likes to see her smile.

10. » Peter has been trying to find out where Naomi and Alex disappear to whenever they are gone but to no avail. Even with Felix's help, they couldn't find them.

11. » His favourite colour is obviously green but sometimes it changes to this specific blue colour, but only sometimes.

12. » Peter always loses a sword fight to Naomi and he absolutely hates it because she would tease him about it for days, sometimes even weeks.

13. » He would however win when it came down to archery and then it was his time to tease her.

14. » Peter is convinced that he doesn't have a soft spot and that he would never lower himself to a standard like begging for something, but deep down he knows that Naomi's right. He will never admit that, though.

15. » Peter always thought that he had a thing for brunette's, but Naomi just proved his suspicions.

15 Facts About Out Favourite Lost Boy

⋆ 15 Facts About Out Favourite Lost Boy ⋆

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1. » Felix is bisexual.

2. » He had a twin brother called Rufio who died shortly after coming to Neverland with him.

3. » Rufio died thanks to Killian, how is something Felix never figured out. He still had a hatred towards the pirate, despite his daughter being one of his best friends.

4. » When Felix first arrived on the island, he had the hots for Peter, it was a simple infatuation. Nothing more - but that faded when Alex came.

5. » Felix has only had three crushes or infatuations in his life; Peter, for a few days, a girl named Katie from his past life and, of course, Alex. Alex is the only one he acted on.

6. » Felix would never tell but he really liked it when Alex kissed him on the cheeks in front of the boys. He thanked Naomi for the dare in his head.

7. » He would often be jealous of the relationship of Peter and Naomi but that washed away after he got together with Alex.

8. » Felix would be very amused if Naomi and Peter were fighting, he would always lean against a tree with a large smirk on his face while the two yelled at each other.

9. » He got his scar thanks to a mermaid who dragged him into the sea when he first arrived, he scratched himself pretty badly on a rock when trying to climb out.

10. » Felix hated Wendy, despite what most people would think, he found her annoying and clingy.

11. » His first kiss was, quite literally, stolen by Alex as he was way too awkward to kiss somebody in his past life.

12. » Felix had always felt the longing to learn magic after seeing Peter and Naomi fooling around with it but decided against it.

13. » He was one of the first ten boys that Peter had found and taken with him. Alex came shortly after, being one of the first fifteen boys.

14. » Felix wasn't too fond of Naomi at first but she got his respect after she had taken down two of the boys singlehandedly.

15. » His favourite English word is bubble.


So, somebody asked me to do 15 facts about Peter and Felix, so I did! But keep in mind that they aren't my OC's so this isn't really "canon".

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