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Naomi groaned while her eyes fluttered open, she woke up because of the sounds Peter was making in his sleep. He was having a nightmare, again.

She sighed and sat up in her bed, frowning when she saw that he was looking worse than before she went to sleep.

She quietly made her way towards his bed and sat down on it, she didn't know what to do. It was better to not wake a person up when they're having a nightmare but she couldn't just leave him there.

She was going to return back to her own bed when she suddenly noticed that Peter was starting to trash about violently in the bed. "Please, don't hit me." She mumbled before nudging his shoulder gently.

He didn't bother so she tried again while whispering, "Peter, hey, Romeo. Wake up." She was feeling really awkward, she never had to deal with any of this before and even though she wanted to help him, it was very difficult for her to do so.

Peter still didn't wake up so Naomi started slapping his cheek softly, "God, how hard is this going to be?" She muttered and slapped his cheek again, gasping in surprise when she felt him grabbing her wrist.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" He croaked out, looking around the room sleepily. He was breathing heavily thanks to the nightmare he had, he slowly got up and sat up straight in the bed, his back leaning against the wall.

Peter tangled his fingers into his hair and sighed in defeat, he looked at Naomi and said, "I had another nightmare, didn't I?"

He felt the need to ask her, even though he knew very well that he indeed had a nightmare.

Naomi, now placing her feet on the bed as well, nodded while smiling sympathetically. Peter sighed again and looked away from her.

"Are they always this bad?" Naomi asked with a small frown covering her forehead.

She looked at him, his condition wasn't getting any better, if anything it was getting worse. He looked like he hadn't slept in ages and the last time he could wake himself up from a nightmare.

She knew that this wasn't a normal sickness, so the first thing she was going to do tomorrow was looking for something to get him better.

Peter shook his head and coughed before looking at her, "Uh, no. They aren't, they're always the same but something was different tonight." He saw the look in her eyes and sighed, "Forget it. It doesn't matter."

Naomi knew the feeling, whenever she got a nightmare she never wanted to talk about it either. Not that she had anybody to talk to about it, but she never wanted to anyway.

"Okay," She whispered softly while nodding. "Uh, how are you feeling? Besides the nightmare, of course."

He chuckled sarcastically and looked back at the window, his eyes suddenly widening. "I forgot the boys," Peter whispered in shock. "How could I forget the boys, you even talked with me about them."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now