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Naomi smiles mischievously, running as fast as her legs could carry her while her laughs echo through the forest. She ducks under a large branch and was about to start running again when she was grabbed by the waist and placed against a tree.

"Did you really think that you could run from me, love?" Peter says, his voice exceptionally low.

The girl smirks, "I could try."

"Mhm," he hums, slowly leaning forward to peck her lips. "Try, but not succeed." He says after pulling back.

"I beg the differ," She says teasingly, leaning closer towards his ear while lazily wrapping her arms around his neck - his were still around her waist. "If I recall correctly, I ran from you for at least a week. You only found me when you threatened Tink."

The green eyed boy rolls his eyes, trying to hide his smile. His eyes land on the small yet beautiful gold ring on her finger and he quickly looks back at her. "Did I?" He mumbles innocently, taking his bottom lip between his lips while grabbing a lock of her brown hair.

"Yeah, you did." The brunette tells him, smiling when he twirled her hair around in his finger.

He drops the lock and looks up at her, his eyebrows raised and his tongue pressed to the side of his cheek - sometimes he does this when he's annoyed but Naomi knew better, he was doing this to tease her.

She groans, throwing her head back against the trunk of the tree. "Stop!" She mumbles, softly playing with his hair.

"Why?" He laughs, tilting his head to the side. "Is it bothering you?" He smirks and purposely did it again, this time biting his lip at the end.

"Oh, shut up." The girl growls, slightly teasing him as she grabs the fabric of his shirt before pulling him towards her. She captured his lips with hers rather quickly and smiles when he went with it.

Peter smiles through the kiss, slowly bringing one of his hands up to cup her cheek while their lips stayed connected. Naomi flinched when his hand came in contact with her cheek and he frowns, pulling back. "Is something wrong?"

She frowns and nods at him, "Your hands are cold."

He rolls his eyes and she giggles, making him laugh when he saw her face. "What the hell was that," the brunette mumbles in shock, touching her throat. "I didn't even knew that I could make that sound."

"Well, I tend to have the ability to let you make sounds that you didn't even knew you could make." The green eyed boy says smugly, a sly smirk on his lips while she scoffed, slapping his shoulder only to get another laugh in return.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now