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"Well, you have definitely improved." Peter said proudly as he walked over to Naomi, he had told the girl the same as when they first went to training. She had to start with archery and work her way down from there. "Your grip and aim is much better."

The girl breathed out, blowing away the fallen strands of hair that had fallen in her face before she turned around, "Well that's a lot coming from you." She said with a small smirk. "Thought you would still be grumpy about losing."

He rolled his eyes and walked over to her, her back was facing him as he stood behind her. "You cheated, love." He said, "Cheaters never win."

Naomi smirked and turned around to face him, "Obviously I'm not a cheater, then." She said with a smirk as she went to stand on her toes to reach his ear and whisper, "Because I won."

He chuckled in disbelieve and looked down at her with a smirk, "We'll see about that." He said and turned her around so that she was looking at the target again, only now did he notice the large bow she had in her hands. "Go on, shoot another arrow."

"Okay," Naomi said, noticing his weird change in behavior and turned around, still keeping her guard up as she pulled the string of the bow backwards. She gasped when she felt arms wrap around her waist and said through gritted teeth, "What are you doing? I can't shoot like that."

"You and I both know that you can," Peter whispered in her ear, smirking when he saw that her grip on the bow tightened. He stood up straight again, looking at the target, his arms still around her waist as he said, "Go on. Shoot."

Naomi nodded curtly and breathed out as she positioned herself correctly, the arrow was pointing straight at the bullseye, the only thing left to do was shoot the arrow. She noticed the weird and shocked looks from the Lost Boys but decided to brush them off for now as she released the arrow.

She smiled in content when she shot it straight into the bullseye, something that she couldn't so when she first arrived and quickly looked up at Peter, who was standing so close that her lips accidentally brushed against his cheek.

Her eyes widened and she quickly stepped out of his hold, Peter looked shocked as well as he cleared his throat and looked away from her for a while. He looked back at her and said, "Uh, good job. You're a fast learner, I see."

"Yeah," Naomi nodded absently and placed the bow back on a wooden table that was standing close to them, she turned around and looked at him. "But, I guess that my teacher wasn't that bad."

Peter smirked smugly before grabbing the few arrows that she had in her hand and placing them next to the bow, "Now, want to see if you can do that with a crossbow, as well?" He said teasingly, knowing how much she hated crossbows.

"Sod off," She mumbled, purposely letting her accent through. She thought about it for a while but she had noticed that he seemed to like it whenever she talked like that. "You know I hate those things."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now