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"Wake up," Naomi and Peter say at the same time as they step inside Henry's temporary tent. The green eyed boy walks closer to the him, "Wake up, just because you're new doesn't mean that I'll go easy on you."

Henry groans sleepily, rubbing his eyes a little, "Mom? Dad?" He yawns.

Naomi and Peter look at each other and chuckle. "We're not your parents, kid." She smirks.

"Wha-" Henry mumbles, opening his eyes and sitting up straight in the bed. "Where am I? Why am I with you guys? How did I get here?"

"All your questions will be answered later," Naomi tells him, lying through her teeth. "Now, it's time to get up."

"I'm not doing anything until you tell me what's going on. Where's my mom? Dad? Mary Margaret? David?" Henry keeps asking, quickly getting on the couple's nerves.

Naomi sighs and rolls her eyes, "You've been awake for ten seconds and you're already on my nerves. Even Peter can't get on my nerves that quickly."

The boy in green scoffs, "Why, thank you." He says, looking down at her before facing Henry. "I'm serious, get up. I won't say it again."

"Why am I here?" The boy risked it to ask another question, only getting a glare in response.

Peter, being the one with the shortest temper, takes a deep breath. He looks down at Naomi and she seems to understand it immediately.

"Okay, let's get you outside." She mumbles under her breath. "We can't kill him, he's important."

"Why?" Henry asks again, looking at Naomi who shoots him a warning glare.

"Let's just say that you're a pawn in the game, a very important pawn." The brunette clarifies before nodding at the boy. "Now, just a piece of advice, listen to us and you won't get hurt. Don't listen and well-Good luck."

Naomi walks outside, grabbing Peter's shoulders to calm him down a little. She was about to talk to him when she feels somebody running past her. She let's go of his shoulders and looks at the brown haired boy that ran past her.

"Boys!" She yells, putting her fingers in her mouth to let out a loud whistle.

The Lost Boys look up, acting quickly. Justin and Alex stand up from their seat and grab Henry by his arms, bringing him back to Naomi and Peter who were looking down at him. She with a fake disappointed look and he with a glare.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now