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"H-How do you know about Bae?" Wendy stutters, feeling a little intimidated by the closeness of the three people.

"I've talked to him, multiple times." Naomi answers, sounding serious yet mischievous. She smirks, crossing her arms over her chest. "You're part of that family he always talks about, right?"

"Yes, my name's Wendy." She responses, looking up at Felix but quickly looking down again when she saw his scar, making him and Alex chuckle. "C-Can you take me to him?"

"You want to go to Baelfire?" Naomi questions her, a small smirk across her lips as she looks at her two best friends who had the same expression on their faces. "Well, who are we to deny you that privilege?" She nods at the two boys. "Take her."

Alex and Felix grab her arms, not caring that she was really startled. Wendy started trashing in their grasps, trying to get loose while she screamed. "What are you doing? Let me go!" She demanded.

"What?" Naomi asked innocently when she saw the look Wendy gave her. "You wanted to go to Baelfire, right?"

"Yes," She answered, still struggling in their grasp. Alex and Felix stopped walking, still keeping a hold of Wendy so that she won't run.

"Well, Wendy," Naomi says, walking towards her. "These two lovely boys will take you to him."

"Oh, o-okay." The blonde girl stutters, still scared as the two boy's hold tightened around her arms, making her flinch. "Ow, could you please loosen your hold? It is way too tight." She complained.

Felix let out a humorless laugh, "Hey, she asked nicely, maybe we should consider it." He tells Alex.

"You're right, we totally should." Alex says back, sounding just as sarcastic.

They know that none of them have the right to be rude to the girl, but they couldn't help it. They all were envious, and a tad annoyed. Wendy had everything her heart desires, a loving family, friends, money, enough food and she was complaining about a too tight hold.

They never had that, they had to survive on their own and a 'too tight hold' were the least of their problems. She made a problem out of nothing and Alex and Felix knew about themselves that they were barely applying any pressure to the girl's arms.

To them she sounded like a perfect stereotype of a girl. Weak, vulnerable, complains about everything, never stops whining and she would probably cry if her dress got dirty. And they were positive that Peter would get so annoyed, that he would kill Wendy within the first hour of meeting her.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now