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"What are you doing?" Naomi heard a voice say behind her, she turned around and saw Peter standing in the doorway.

She sighed deeply and closed the family journal she was writing in just a few minutes ago. "Thinking," She answered shortly, she walked towards the window.

Peter hummed in understanding before walking towards her. Her wraps his arms around her and placed his head between the space of her shoulder and neck.

"You seem stressed," He says, voice husky. "What is it you're thinking about?" He adds, trailing a few kisses up and down her neck.

She sighs in content, giving in to the multiple kissed he was giving. "I'm not sure you want to know," She says truthfully, he bites down in her skin softly, earning himself a soft sigh in pleasure. She was still looking out of the window as she adds, "It's kind of a mood killer."

"Oh?" He hummed across her skin, blowing a little bit of cool air on the small, fresh mark he left.

Naomi knew what he just did but decided to ignore it as she says, "Yeah," She turns around in his grasp once his lips left her neck. "Wouldn't want that now, do we?"

Peter looked between her eyes and her lips, smirking a little before grabbing her cheeks and connecting their lips together for a well-needed kiss.

"We can talk about it in the morning," She mumbles against his lips. She gives him another kiss, one that lasted for at least seven seconds, before pulling back with a smirk, "Let's go to sleep."

Naomi stepped out of his hold, biting her lip to stop a mischievous smile from coming out as she walked to the bed, leaving him standing at the window, dumbfounded.

She laid down on the bed, wrapping the blankets around her as Peter muttered, "Tease," He sighed and walked over to the bed as well, laying down next to her and pulling the brunette tighter against him, adding, "Goodnight, love."

Naomi stirred in his grasp, cuddling into his chest, "Goodnight, Romeo." She managed to croak out before she dozed off to sleep, not knowing that she would regret that decision in the morning.


Everything was a blur to Naomi. She didn't know where she was nor did she know how she got here. Her surroundings were hazy, she could see the silhouettes of the people but their faces were still very vague.

She closed her eyes and opened them again, forcefully. Nothing happened, the shapes were still unclear to her. Sighing, she shook her head and looked down, and suddenly it felt like a switch had flipped inside of her.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now