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Naomi opened her mouth to explain her situation to Tinker Bell but she was interrupted by the ex-fairy who said, "No, wait." She walked towards the girl and wrapped her arms around her neck. "You had me worried sick."

Naomi smiled before melting into the embrace, she sighed in content as she hid her face in the crook of her best friend's neck. This was a feeling she rarely got, the feeling that somebody likes you for who you are. That somebody actually cares for you, loves you.

And Tinker Bell accepted her for who she was, even after all the horrible things she did to survive. She never judged her, she never pushed her away but most importantly, she is the only person who never left her. The only person who didn't turn their back on her.

"I'm fine, Tink. Really." Naomi assured her and pulled back from the hug. She chuckled when she saw Tinker Bell looking for any injuries on the girl, nodding when she couldn't find any big ones. "He didn't hurt me or anything, I can handle it."

"That's unlike Pan," Tinker Bell said sarcastically and looked at Naomi again, she wanted to make sure that the girl was really okay. That she really didn't have any injuries and when she couldn't find any she hesitantly sat down on a chair. "Anyway, what do you need my help for?"

"Right," Naomi mumbled nervously and sat down in front of Tinker Bell. How she was going to tell this to her was something she had yet to discover, she knew that she hated Peter with a passion. So this was not going to be easy. "Alright, so, how am I going to say this. Look-"

Naomi cut herself off when she looked out of Tinker Bell's window, another plant started dying and she quickly got up from her chair. She walked towards the dying plant and pointed at it, "That's where I need your help with."

She could see Tinker Bell's shock in her eyes as she too slowly stood up from her chair and walked towards her. Tinker Bell touched the plant and frowned as she looked at it, "It's dying." She whispered.

"No," Naomi shook her head, making Tinker Bell look at her. "It's already dead, and that is why I need your help. You know more about this Island than me," Tinker Bell, knowing where she was going with this, walked closer to her. "And you may ask why Peter hasn't killed me yet." She sighed as she saw Tinker Bell's shocked face. "And why I call him Peter."

"You're friends with him," Tinker Bell sighed and crossed her arms over her chest, avoiding Naomi's gaze.

"I'd hardly call us friends." Naomi scoffed, she was lying, of course.

Sure, her and Peter may not be the best of friends but she didn't hate him nor did she despise him. She was, however, friends with Alex and Felix and she knew that if she left, she needed to leave them with Peter. With somebody that's able to lead them.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now