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"So you're saying I was friends with a mermaid?" Naomi said harshly, making Ariel frown in disappointment. She realized that she said it a bit too harsh and quickly said, "No, I don't mean it like that. It's just that-"

"You don't have a good memory about us." Ariel interrupted her and nodded in understanding.

"Yeah." Naomi breathed out and ran a hand through her hair.

She never imagined herself befriending a mermaid, as far as she knew she hated them. But she still didn't fully trust Ariel, well she doesn't trust anyone but this is a different kind of trust.

Naomi frowned and looked at the red haired mermaid as she said, "How do I know you're not lying? You could've easily made that whole story about knowing me up."

Ariel smiled and nodded before pointing at the sword, Naomi frowned and unsheathed it. "Your sword, it has an engraving on the back." Ariel said. "June 17, 1937."

"My birthday," Naomi whispered in shock as she looked between the mermaid and her sword. She sheathed her sword again and averted her eyes to Ariel. "How did you know that?"

"Because I was the one that wrote it." Ariel said, she looked back at the sea. "You don't mind if I get back in the water, do you?"

Naomi didn't know what to think, she was trying to find the words to express herself but she couldn't find any. So she just nodded and Ariel jumped back into the water with a smile, coming back to the surface a couple of seconds later.

Naomi slowly walked towards Ariel and sat down on the large rock-the one Ariel was previously seated on-and asked, "You wrote it. Which means that you knew my father?"

Ariel nodded and Naomi could see her face, she was going to ask where her father was. Why she was back here, why she was alone so she quickly said, "I don't want to talk about it." Ariel frowned but nodded nonetheless.

"Okay," Ariel said softly she looked at the sky and saw that it was getting darker. "I need to go soon, or my father will notice that I'm missing."

"Wait, what?" Naomi's eyes widened and she quickly looked at the sky, seeing that it was indeed getting closer and closer to nightfall. She didn't notice that she was talking with the mermaid for that long. "Oh, no. I was supposed to hunt for fish."

"I can help you, if you want?" Ariel offered. Naomi frowned and tilted her head to the side, Ariel noticed it and chuckled before saying, "No. It isn't cannibalism."

"Well, then, I would really appreciate it if you could help me." Naomi said thankfully. She was surprised by the kindness the mermaid was showing, she honestly thought that all mermaids would try to drown her but turns out that she was actually friends with one.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now