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It was in the middle of the night when Peter woke up again, not because of a nightmare. He just woke up, out of the blue. He groaned softly, and went to rub his eyes wen he noticed that he couldn't move his left arm.

The green eyed boy frowned and looked down, smiling a little when he saw the kind of situation he had found himself in. He had his left arm wrapped around Naomi's waist, and the girl was holding onto his hand for dear life.

Peter was still smiling as he caresses the palm of her hand with his thumb, which caused Naomi to stir a little and cuddle into him a bit more.

The longer Peter looked at her the more his smile began to fade. She looks so peaceful, so innocent and, even though he knows that she isn't, he can't help but think about what Andrew said to him.

He didn't deserve her, he really didn't. He hasn't been the best person, and he doesn't know what he did to get her. She is a little bit messy, a little bit ruined and a little bit broken, just like him.

She won't break him like other girls, and that's exactly why he cares about her and fears her at the same time. She makes him happy and, to him, being happy is the most terrifying thing in the universe. Because once you're happy, it can be taken from you.

He believed that he was a monster, and he was always told that monsters don't deserve happiness. He didn't deserve her, not one bit.


"Hey, love, wake up." Naomi hears somebody whisper, she groans and pushes the person away.

She turns around and wraps the blankets tighter around her, "Go away," She says.

The person laughs, "Still not a morning person, I see that hasn't changed." The voice she now could recognize as Peter's says humorously.

"Not now, Romeo." Naomi sighs again, her back facing him as she kept her eyes closed.

Peter rolls his eyes and walks around the bed, sitting down next to her. "I'm not saying it again, you need to get up."

The brown haired girl groaned dramatically and pushed the covers off of her, she sat up and looked at Peter with a slight glare, "And, Peter, do tell. Why do I need to get up?" She said extra sarcastically.

"Alright, calm down, love. I just thought that you wanted to go with me," He answers with a slight chuckle, hands up in the air as a sign of surrender. "I'm going to handle things with that bastard, Andrew."

"Oh," Naomi says, frowning at the look that was visible on Peter's face. It was like a switch flipped inside of him the moment he thought of Andrew. She sighs, realizing what's going on, "Peter, you aren't really thinking about what that boy said, right?"

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now