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Naomi woke up to the feeling of somebody kissing her head. She groaned softly, turning around in the bed and cuddling further into Peter. She felt him chuckle but kept her eyes closed.

He kissed the top of her head again, pulling a few fallen strands of hair behind her ear. A smirk made its way towards his lips when he saw the large, clearly visible marks he had left on her last night. Last night, just thinking about it made him smile.

He was laying against her, bare skin against bare skin. She was holding the covers over her chest while her head was placed on his shoulder. "Why are you up already?" The brunette croaks out, slowly opening her eyes and looking up at him.

She didn't get an answer, instead he simply gave her a long kiss on the lips before he sighed in content. He caresses her cheek, only now realising how lucky he actually is, Naomi never opens up to anyone and she gave him her all.

"I love you," He tells her again, kissing her forehead.

Naomi was still a bit hesitant to say it, but she did love him, she was just scared that he'd leave if she said it. "I love you, too." She responds, not caring anymore considering that she said it to him last night as well.

She smiled brightly when she saw the joy in his eyes upon hearing her say those three words. She chuckled softly, her fingers going up to his neck, "I've left quite the mark on you," She says, tracing her fingers over the multiple hickeys. "At least now she knows you're mine."

"Wai-Wendy?" Peter exclaims, chuckling softly at her jealousy. "Why would you be jealous of her?"

"Miss. Whiny has a tiny, little crush on you." Naomi announces, still tracing the hickey. "But I made it quite clear that you're mine."

"Hm," The green eyed boy hummed, slowly leaning down to press a long, lingering kiss to her lips that were still slightly swollen from last night. "And you're mine."

He sighed as he pulled back, he scooted away from her. Naomi sighed, immediately feeling his loss and laid her head down on the pillow, the covers still tightly wrapped around her chest, one of her legs was laying on top of them.

She could hear Peter getting up from the bed but she was facing the pillow, still feeling a little bit tired. "You know, I've been thinking-" He started.

"-well that can be dangerous." Naomi laughs sarcastically, her voice muffled thanks to the large pillow.

Peter rolled his eyes at her and continued, "I think that we should take a day off, maybe go swimming with the boys." He finished, quickly putting on underwear and pants.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now