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"H-How," Felix mumbles, the words finally seem to register in his head. "How can you possibly stop that Hourglass?"

Naomi gives him a stern look, her eyes pointing towards Alex who shrugs. "Don't worry, Felix told me about it." He says.

The brunette chuckles, "Does Peter know about that?"

"No," Felix answers, "And you're not going to tell him."

"I won't, I won't." Naomi assures him, she sighs and frowns again while looking at the tree, her fingers tracing over the words. "But if I stop the Hourglass, does that mea-"

"Pan won't die." Alex and Felix say at the same time, sounding shocked and relieved.

"Then what are we still doing here? We have to stop it," The blonde haired boy says, looking at Naomi. "You have to stop it."

"As much as I want to, I can't. Not yet." The girl mumbles, turning around and facing away from the tree. "I don't know how."

This might as well be the best news she had in ages. If she could stop the Hourglass, that would mean that Peter and her didn't have to worry about the heart anymore. She could now focus on the Shadow's game, which now that she thinks about it, wasn't a game after all.

"It wasn't playing a game," Naomi says in realization. "It was giving me information. That's why it wouldn't leave me alone."

"But why would he help Pan?" Felix asks, frowning in confusion.

"Because of that Hourglass runs out, it isn't just Peter who dies. The whole Island does." She explains, tracing her hand over the words again before snapping her fingers, making it disappear. "Neverland is its home."

"Well, this escalated quickly." Alex says, trying to sound humorous but he only got two glares in return. "Okay, okay." He adds, putting his hands up in the air in surrender. "Dang, tough crowd."

Felix and Naomi roll their eyes at Alex, "So, what is our next step going to be?" The brunette questions.

"I think we should tell Pan. Now more than ever, we finally know what we're dealing with and-do I need to remind you-that it's his life we're talking about at the moment." Felix rambles but Naomi and Alex aren't buying anything of it.

"Okay, so, we're not telling Pan." Alex says, turning to look at Naomi. "Tell me, N. What's your plan?"

"Well, I think we should just continue with what we're doing. Find the next phrase and see if we can discover how to stop the Hourglass." She suggests, ignoring the incredulous look of Felix. "But we can't tell him. I've got the feeling that if we do, this might not work."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now