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"Naomi, please show Wendy where she can wash herself." Peter sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose when he saw the mess the blonde girl made.

The oldest Darling had made quite the mess while handing out the food to the Lost Boys. She tried carrying too many bowls filled with broth at once, which resulted in her dropping a few, unfortunately, some of it fell on her dress.

"What? Why me?" Naomi exclaims, looking around in a frenzy as she sets foot in the camp. She just returned from her conversation with Alex and Felix.

"Because you're the only other girl here," The green eyed boy explains, raising an eyebrow, telling her that it is kind of obvious for her to go with her. "I may not be the most well-behaved boy here but even I am not that poor mannered."

Naomi scoffs in disbelief, shaking her head. "Oh, sod off." She tells Alex and Felix who were laughing at her, they stopped when hearing her accent and raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Fine," The brunette says, looking back at Peter. "But you owe me."

He smirks and bites his lip upon hearing her accent again and nods, "Very well, love. Now, go with her." He says, nodding towards the woods.

"Come on, Prissy." Naomi sighs, signalling for Wendy to follow her.

The small, blonde girl sniffles. A few tears were dreaming down her face because of the awkward predicament and she slowly manages to push herself up. She starts walking after Naomi.

"Why don't you like me?" Wendy mumbles under her breath, fiddling with the ends of her dress while they kept walking. "I've done nothing wrong to you."

Naomi bites her lip to prevent herself from rolling her eyes. She ignores the petit blonde and pushes the grand leaves aside. Her eyes fall on the giant waterfall and she stops walking, turning towards Wendy.

"You can shower there," She tells her, nodding towards the waterfall. "I'll lay some clothes and towels on-" She stops and looks around, pointing at a large rock. "-that rock."

Naomi was just about to walk away when she suddenly heard, "B-But where's the shower?"

"What?" Naomi asks, she heard that perfectly but she was daring Wendy to say it again.

"T-The shower, you know, with-with the warm water and everything," The blonde sighs shortly afterwards, hating herself for not being able to speak properly to the brunette.

"The warm water?" She snaps, walking closer towards Wendy and stopping right in front of her. "Look, Wendy, I don't know if you noticed but we're on an Island."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now