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Naomi smiles, finishing the dot on her letter 'i' before she slammed the book shut. She stands up from the desk, fiddling with one of the buttons on her white button up as she looks at Peter's sleeping form. She strolls over to him and sits down on the bed.

His mouth was slightly open and his chest was slowly going up and down. The brunette smiles and pulls her legs on the bed, she lays down next to him again. She was laying on top of the covers as she softly adjusts his hair. He stirs, but stays asleep nonetheless. Her hand slides down to his hands and she starts playing with his fingers before intertwining their hands.

"What are you doing up so early?" He groans, his eyes still closed and his mouth muffled by the pillow.

"Early?" She laughs, smiling when he finally opens his eyes. "It's late, the boys and I have been awake for hours. We already ate breakfast."

"What?" He exclaims, sitting up in the bed. He throws a hand through his hair and looks at her, "why didn't you wake me up?"

Naomi shrugs, "you looked cute."

Peter looks at her with a glare, "I'm not supposed to be cute!" He exclaims.

"Okay, okay, calm down." The brunette says, rolling her eyes. "Do you want to get up, or?"

"Seems like I have no other choice," he groans and grabs her waist, putting her on his lap again. She sat down, the covers separating the two of them. "Have you heard anything from the heroes?"

"No," she answers, tracing his jawline with her fingers. She looks at him for a few seconds before quickly stealing a kiss. He smiles and gives her one back before putting a lock of fallen hair behind her ear. "What do you want to do today?"

"Hm?" He hums against her lips. He pecks them a few times before pulling back and smirking, "you."

Naomi scoffs and pushes his face to the sight, making him laugh. "I'm serious, Alex said that we were running short on meat."

"Well, then we'll have to go hunting." Peter says in a matter of fact voice, his hands closing around her waist and pushing her further into him. "My other offer still stands?"

"Oh?" She smirks and grabs his chin before kissing his lips. He was about to get into it when she suddenly pulls back, "get dressed. I'll see if we can leave in ten."

He groans as she stands up from his lap, quickly grabbing her hand when she was about to leave. "Are you really sure?" He says, looking down at her hand. He starts playing with her fingers, "we can lay down for a little while longer."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now