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"I win." Naomi smirked as she pinned Tinker Bell down to the floor, again. The two woman have been practicing all morning, they both knew that it wouldn't take long for Pan to find them so it was better if they started training.

"Alright, alright, you win." Tinker Bell laughed and pushed the sword that was hovering above her neck-Naomi was careful not to push it against her throat-away. She stood up and wiped the dust of off her outfit, she looked at Naomi, "You may have won from me and the Lost Boys but are you able to win from Pan?"

"I will, soon." Naomi said and sheathed her sword again, she walked towards a wooden table that was placed in the middle of the room and took a sip of the water that was inside a large mug. "I'm almost back to my normal strength, thanks to your delicious food, and the water of course."

"You better be," Tinker Bell said as she took place on the chair that was standing by the table, she too grabbed a smaller mug of water. "You've been hiding from him for at least 7 days. He won't be happy when he sees you."

"Well, him being happy isn't really a priority of mine," Naomi sighed and looked at her hair, realizing that she indeed had been her for at least 7 days and she never had the possibility to take a bath. "I've been here for 7 days," She mumbled to herself and looked at Tinkerbell. "Hey, do you know where I can take a bath or something?"

"Uh, yeah, when you go outside and then to the left. There's a small clearing with a waterfall, you'll know it when you see it. Oh, and don't worry. Pan doesn't know about the place, only I do. At least, I don't think he does." Tinker Bell said and Naomi nodded before making an attempt to leave but she was stopped by the ex-fairy who grabbed her upper arm. "Wait, I've got some clothes you can use, if you want to?"

Naomi stopped for a minute and looked at her clothes, which were still from the Enchanted Forest. She nodded and said, "Yeah, I'd like that. Thank you."

"Great, wait here. Let me get them." Was the last thing Tinker Bell said before she left the room, walking to the only other room of the tree house. Not even a minute later, she returned and handed the clothes to Naomi.

"Thanks," Naomi said as accepted the clothes. She turned to walk out of the tree house again, but this time she stopped herself. "Wait, I need a towel."

"Oh, right." Tinker Bell said and grabbed a towel. She gave it to Naomi who nodded gratefully and started making her way to the waterfall.


Just as Naomi wanted to start washing her body, her hair took an awful lot of time. Running around an island, trying to survive that isn't something that's very good for it. However, she finally managed to get most of the dirt out of it when she heard a rustle.

Naomi, deciding not to risk it and to wash her body another time, immediately stepped away from the waterfall and dried herself with the towel. She quickly put on the clothes Tinker Bell gave her, not looking twice at it.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now