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Peter was in a state of panic and anger the moment he looked Naomi in the eyes. She was looking at him in wonder, anger, curiosity and even a little bit of admiration but she usually looked at him like that. Just like he usually looked at her with pride.

"Well, what boy were you talking about?" Naomi asked again, her hands slowly dropping down to her sides as she kept looking him in the eye.

Normally, he just would've walked away. He would've ignored the question, but he wanted their relationship to work, especially because he doesn't care about people that easily. He would've ignored the question if it wasn't Naomi's.

Yet he didn't know how to respond so he decided to take a page out of her book and quickly grabbed her by the waist as he pressed her against the tree, pressing his lips against hers roughly.

Naomi gasped in surprise but melted into the kiss eventually. Her fingers tangled themselves into his hair, tugging at them lightly which made him groan a bit in response.

She, however, stopped when she realized what he was doing and pushed him away quickly. She unsheathed her sword and pressed it against his neck, she wasn't going to hurt him she just hoped that would scare him a tiny bit.

"Remember when you told me I got fire? Well, don't play with fire unless you're willing to get burned," she growled out, ignoring the small smirk that was making its way on Peter's face. "I already used that trick on you. Now, tell me about the boy."

Peter looked her in the eye, a small smirk across his lips, "You won't hurt me." He said confidently.

"You're right, I won't." Naomi mumbled in response. She sheathed her sword again and let go of the green eyed boy. "That's why I'm asking nicely, who is the boy you're searching for? And I'm not asking because I want to know, I'm asking because I want to help."

His expression softened when he heard the sound of her voice. It wasn't how she sounded normally, usually it sounded sassy, sarcastic and determined which he absolutely adored.

But now it sounded caring, genuine and even a bit concerned. He knew that she really wanted to help him, he could see it in her eyes.

Peter sighed deeply and looked at his right, looking shocked when he saw Alex standing their with his mouth agape. He had totally forgotten about the boy that was still standing there.

Strangely enough, he didn't care that Alex had seen them kiss. It gave him a strange yet enjoyable feeling of satisfaction. That way, he would make sure that Alex and the other boys wouldn't try anything because she was his.

"Alex go back to the camp." He said sternly as he looked away from the dark haired boy again. "You're lucky I'm letting you go without a punishment."

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now